weekly roundup | march 2, 2013

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about these weekly roundup posts and to be honest, I really like doing them. It helps me gather al of my favorite posts of the week all in one post. So here we go!

10 things to learn about blogging - I don't necessarily agree with everything on this list but I do think it was a very helpful (and realistic) post. It's not sugarcoated, and I love that!
+ Three Easy Tips to Improve Your SEO - want more traffic? read this!
8 tips to a lovely blog design - they say that design is a crucial part of the success of your blog, and I agree. Check out this post for tips!

+ The Best Cities for Women Entrepreneurs

+ Typography + March Desktop Calendar -- this is currently on my desktop!

+ The Mini Messy Project Reveal -- check out this month's mini messy project and let us know how we did!
+ Bold fashionista's Hanna Beth and Samii Ryan have come together to create a new fashion blog called What She Wore. You're welcome.
hanna beth samii ryan
hanna beth + samii ryan
10 Ways to Find Balance in Your Life

+ Guide to Photography -- for beginners like me!

+ How to Use Social Media with Style -- I love this interpretation of social media and how to use it!

+ Enter to win 1 of 2 $200 Visa gift cards
Enter to win a Canon camera



  1. I clicked on a few of those links and really enjoyed the posts. I just discovered your blog and absolutely love it! The title is so cute!

    If you're interested, please stop by and say hello at www.projectpaperie.blogspot.com

  2. Wow I'm going to have to take a look at their new fashion line!

  3. Love Hannah Beth- thanks for showing me her new blog!

  4. Thanks for sharing the social media article lady! It really has helped me so much since I started seeing all the platforms in different ways. :)

    with grace & gumption, Hilary


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