manoa falls: part 3

manoa falls waterfall

manoa falls

oahu waterfall

island waterfalls

manoa waterfall

manoa waterfall

manoa falls waterfall

oahu waterfalls

hawaii waterfalls

hawaii hike waterfall

manoa falls

manoa falls

manoa falls

manoa falls

hawaii hikes

oahu trails

manoa falls

Ok, this is the last Manoa Falls post for now, I promise! We took a million pictures because I wanted to test out my new camera and because it's just gorgeous! Like I mentioned in the last post, we went on a pretty muddy and chilly day. I want to go back on a day with better weather so we can actually swim and maybe not get so muddy!

I felt like we were in a jungle or a scene from Lost, Hunger Games, or Jurassic Park.. As you can probably tell, my mind wanders a bit when we go on little Hawaii adventures. One of the main reasons that I wanted a nicer camera (besides improving the quality of my blog) was to accurately document our time here on Oahu. And these pictures still don't do it justice. But it will have to do.. Our time here is so precious and I want to remember every second of it. I know that we won't live here forever, but I try to remind myself how blessed we are to live here now.

I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Check out Manoa Falls Part 1 and Part 2


  1. Beautiful!! What a lovely adventure!

  2. fun! wish i was back on da rock so i could explore with you and eunhae!

  3. Oh my goodness look at thise greens, totally love waterfalls. It´s time for a vacation !

    xoxo Pakize

    Madame Keke

  4. These photos are so beautiful. I can definitely understand how you would feel like it was the set of Lost (I obsessively watched that show the entire time it was on).

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  5. This is what i needed to catch up on! YOUR AMAZING BLOG! good things do come out of being sick day off from work and spending hours on your blog! xoxo

  6. i live in manoa :)
    well, im not there now but that's where my homes is <3

    The DayLee Journal


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