manoa falls: part 2

manoa falls trail

hawaii trees

manoa falls

manoa hike

manoa trail

manoa falls hike

manoa falls hike

hawaii hikes

hawaii life

bamboo hawaii

island life

bamboo trees

manoa falls trail

oahu hikes

hawaii yoga

manoa falls hawaii
We took some time on our little hike to test out the camera and in the process we decided to test out some yoga moves too!

Like most days in Hawaii, it was raining off and on. We got pretty muddy because of it but we still had a lot of fun.

Most people who know me know that I am not a work out nut and I sure as hell do not enjoy hikes. The years that I've lived in Hawaii are probably the most physical that I've ever been. My husband and friends usually have to bribe me to go on hikes.. and the scenery is just an added plus.

Anyway, if you're looking for an easy hike, Manoa Falls is a good one! If I can do it, you can ;)

Happy Aloha Friday!



  1. Seems like you guys had a fun time! Where I live, you can pretty much only hike for a few months that's bright and sunny - otherwise it's just all rain and snow. :(
    But I'm like you; I somewhat enjoy hiking but that's probably the last activity I'll do if I was super bored.


  2. You are adorable! I loved the yoga poses! haha

  3. Wow -- I can imagine that hiking would really be worth it if thats what the scenery looks like!! [New follower, here! Found your blog from a bunch of the "blog crush" posts that were up Friday!!]

  4. Beautiful! I would like to go hiking there one day! I live in Vegas and love to hike at the Red Rocks.

  5. Those photos are gorgeous!! x

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! It looks like you had a great time and the green is so bright!

    Sparkles and Shoes


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