the label blues

PC: Jared Taylor // Top: Forever 21 // Jeans: American Rag // Sunglasses: SMHP // Necklace: Ginger13 // Bracelets: LinzGutz, Ginger13 // Bag: Michael Kors // Shoes: Boutique
blogger labelstypes of bloggers

jessica who

hawaii bloggers

hawaii blogs

ginger13 hawaii

diamondhead hawaii

hawaii photography

waikiki hawaii

honolulu, hawaii

city life hawaii

I hate labels. They're used a lot in the blogger world. We're asked if we're a fashion blogger, a mommy blogger, a food blogger, a DIY blogger... etc etc. But what if you don't fit in just one category?
Like in life, when you fill out a form that asks you to "check one". And if you apply to more than one box, you're forced to check "other". "Other" doesn't sound pretty, but that's what I think that I am in this big blogging world. Sure there are people who only blog about fashion or only blog about food, but that's not me. And I think that's ok. Right?

I've seen some snobbish comments around this blogosphere. None directed towards me (that I know of!) but I see 'em. Some people want to be considered a "fashion blogger" or "style expert" or  "designer" or blah blah blah. If that's you, more power to you. And I'm not saying that those titles aren't validated or well-deserved. All I'm saying is why is there such a desire to be labeled?

When I first started this blog, in February 2012, I had no idea where I would take it and what I would do with it.

I like fashion but I don't consider myself a fashionista or an expert at all.
I love photography but I'm a complete novice.
I can eat all day but I can rarely cook a decent meal.
I have zero beauty skills.
I'm not a mommy (except to Duke, which I think totally counts).
I hate to DIM (do it myself) so I rarely get crafty.
I don't own a cute little shop (yet, anyway :)).

So what am I? What is Jessica Who?? Where do I fit in?

I love to write.
I occasionally share my personal style.
I'm addicted to photography.
My day job is in pr + marketing and I have a passion for small businesses.
My husband is a badass cook.
I have the cutest pup you've ever seen.
I happen to live on a gorgeous island.

Is there a label for that?

Linking up with Style Sessions + Random Wednesdays + Whatever Whenever Wednesdays



  1. I AGREE 100%! At one time I had categorized my blog as a fashion blog, but over time I realized I had so much more to blog about, recipes, technology, DIY, my thoughtful rants and etc! So, I will leave my blog as a lifestyle blog. There's so much versatility in that, and you don't have to conform to one type of image or category :)

    And love the pics, you truly do live in paradise!


  2. Totally!! I started blogging about recipes but now I am adding fashion to my blog just for fun!
    It is great to be versitle!
    Gorg pics friend you look stunning

  3. I've always been an anti-label person. It's fun to mix things up and deliver something a little different from what people might come to expect!

  4. That is my exact same story. Glad I'm not the only one!

  5. Thank you! I totally agree. I am so tired of hearing people need a niche to be a successful blogger. Sometimes our lives don't fall into a perfect niche. And then what? Should we not blog about other parts of our lives OR should people just post what they want on their own blogs? Seems like a simple answer to me. There is nothing wrong with being a niche blogger, but there also isn't anything wrong with not being one.

  6. When I started my blog in December, I thought it was best to be in one category. After months of reading other blogs, I've realized that anything and everything can be put on your blog. It's about you. You make your blog as you see fit. Great post.


  7. I LOVE this. I don't fit under any labels either! You're so gorgeous by the way, and your blog will always be one of my favorites:)

    Shelby xoxo

  8. I just got back from that beautiful island! I think we took pictures in that same spot! We stayed right there at the Trump for the first 4 nights. I'm not really a label either. I say beauty blogger because of my title, but I blog about everything and I thinks that's okay. Have a great week.

  9. Amen! I totally don't fit into one category and I sort of get pissed if I get called a "mommy blogger" haha I HATE that term.

  10. Amen to all of that! It's hard to fit in just one category...ever. On another note, I love that gorgeous top.

  11. Oh girl, you said it! The other week I read a few posts that ragged on certain labels and claimed "wannabe's" within blogland. Their posts had me wondering how others may interpret my blog. I have more than one focus within my blog, each is genuine. We don't live dull lives, we weren't meant too. We should be faceted and if willing then our blog should show those dimensions too! PS your top is super cute!

  12. You are a badass lifestyle blogger! You cover it all :)
    LOVE this post and love your blog. You are an awesome blogger. Keep it coming girlfriend!

    Alisha and Brandon {the blog}

  13. Loved this post! I hate labels! And I so wish I lived closer to Waikiki. Granted I am able to see Diamond Head from a far or pretty much from anywhere on the island, but I wish I could just go camp out on the beaches down there. Love the pictures!

  14. Wow, that place is beautiful!!! These are amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing. And I totally agree with you on the labels. :D

    Enter to win a $50 Shabby Apple Gift Card! :)


  15. I'm definitely on the same page as you with labels. I often get stereotypes in real life, like "emo," "punk," "goth," "scene." Someone has even called me "hipster."
    I don't consider myself any of these things, but I think people like categorizing things in life. It's human. I think if people WANT to be labeled as something, then fine for them, but if not, we shouldn't label a person as a single thing because humans are complex and multi-faceted.

    I just find this fascinating. Great post!

  16. I guess my blog would be considered "lifestyle" haha. However, I do post OOTD posts, as well as DIY projects, beauty, tutorials, and things like that. I'm just a creative person.

    I'm so jealous that you get to live on a gorgeous island :-)

  17. I think I'm with you! I'm kind of a mixed bag and don't have one thing particular that I post about. I guess that's good and bad. I consider myself 'lifestyle'. ;)

    Ella Lane Giveaway

  18. Great photos!!
    Nice to see you! Happy Spring!

  19. yeah. There's a label for that. It's called Unique :) Be proud of carrying it off so well! xx Candice//Vitrine

  20. I completely get what you're saying, because I struggled with this not to long ago. To the point that I considered chucking my whole blog and starting a new one that focused on fashion alone. But I realized that my life is about so much more than that, so I just redesigned my blog to better reflect my interests. I like to think of myself as a "lifestyle blogger" or a "style blogger" or frankly, just a woman who likes to share. If that means I don't "fit" in any specific niche, then so be it :)

  21. This post is amazing, I feel the same way! People keep referring to me as a "fashion blogger" but I do not think my personal style fits into that category. I like lifestyle blogger better because it includes everything and the kitchen sink :) I write about whatever I feel like and I think that makes me real, just like you!

    Sparkles and Shoes
    My 1,000 Follower Giveaway!

  22. I agree 100%. I love fashion and take outfit pics, but I do not consider myself a fashion blogger at all!! I like to take pictures, but rarely of just the scenery. I'd rather take pics of memories with friends/ family. I do not do crafts nor do I cook great meals either....i'd call myself a general lifestyle blogger if I had too :)

  23. I label you.....awesome! It's funny how people worry about these labels.....who cares what you are! As long as you are genuine, people will read and love you!


  24. There are soooooooo many blogs out there that are JUST like you! And that is what people LOVE, reading about you and whatever makes you happy and are passionate about. Though I consider myself more of a fashion blogger, it's also fun to bring my real life and personality into my posts. I think you have done a crazy amazing job with your blog and as long as you are writing what you love, you don't need to fit any sort of mold!

  25. Beautiful photos, looks so warm and lovely there!

    I so agree, I dont fit into one category, my blog is a mix of a bunch of "categories"! Can't choose just one! :)

  26. Visiting from Whatever, Whenever Wednesdays link up. Love your outfit and i agree blogs evolve. They may start up discussing one thing and then change. That's teh fun about doing a blog.


  27. Not sure, but I agree, there doesn`t need to be :)

    Some Snapshots Blog

  28. You DO live on a gorgeous island! So jealous - your photos are always fantastic. I also don't think my blog fits into one single category!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day :)


    The Hartungs Blog

  29. such a fantastic post! absolutely love this. I feel the same way about most, no, all of this.

  30. Hi Jessica, Your little home on web seems absolutely amazing, am really impress with your blog and right away follower to your lovely blog (Via GFC)and it really feel pleasure meeting new awesome bloggers like you. Found you through WHATEVER, WHENEVER WEDNESDAY.

    my blog:

  31. I don't think you need to fit in a box. This blog has blossomed wonderfully. Beautiful photograpahy in this post!


  32. I dabble in this and that too. I suppose the label would be "lifestyle blogger" but even that sounds restrictive. I blog about whatever is on my mind.


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