i just wrote a blog post, now what?

how to promote your blog
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I came across this infographic thanks to Bonnie's Pinterest boards and tweets (seriously, if you aren't following already, do it!) and I had to share it! There are so many of us who consistently post great content but don't get the feedback that we think we deserve for it. Maybe you aren't promoting your posts to their full potential. 

As many of you know, my day job is in PR + Marketing. Even though I work with it everyday, I am constantly learning new techniques to help myself, my clients, and my blog. It's always good to brush up on these things. It's kind of ironic actually - I work so hard with my clients but then forget some of the simple marketing techniques when working on something of my own. I realized this the other day when I was catching up on some of my favorite blogs. I sat there and thought about when and if I had ever communicated with this blogger. The answer was no. I realized that I had been reading certain blogs for months or even years and had never commented. I couldn't believe myself!

Also, I had never considered bookmarking my posts until now. In fact, I'm embarrassed to say that I've never used Reddit, Digg, or StumbleUpon. Do you use them? And if so, do you find them useful? Bloggers, do you receive traffic from any of those sites?

Is there anything that you would add to this list?



  1. This is a great graphic with tons of great tips :)

  2. this is so helpful. I actually got an e-book from a fellow blogger you should check it out
    The Decorista her e-book from her own experience is so helpful is about blogging success.


  3. Really interesting post. I do submit my blog to stumble, but not much traffic comes of it.

  4. Omg I need to learn and learn! Bookmarking?? Going to google it.
    Stop by whenever you like and share some love!
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  5. Great post! I always love to see some tips on blogging since I'm such a new blogger. Pinterest is an awesome tool for finding them!

    LOVE your blog!

    Kelly Vaughan

  6. I have had it on my to do list to start bookmarking my posts but I haven't gotten around to setting up an account yet. I think many nonbloggers don't know all of the time and details that go into blogging. I am going to pin this post for future help.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    Enter our iPad and Lilly Pulitzer iPad Case Giveaway

  7. Great topic! Thanks for the tips. I'm going to read up on bookmarking.


  8. Thank you for following is nice to av another follower on my blog :) appreciated.

  9. It is so funny,today I commented on a blog and told her I always read but rarely leave a comment- she was thankful....I also read yours but rarely comment...not sure why? thanks!

  10. This is great, thanks for sharing!


  11. I've bookmarked this post! SO helpful to those of us that want to blog, but aren't really sure how to get started and use contacts to our best advantage. Thanks!

  12. Great post! I think anyone who has a blog can benefit from this awesome guide! :)

    xx Denysia Yu

  13. you live in hawaii?! awesome :) I'm from there! so an instant follow i do believe :D <3

  14. Hey, I have to comment, lol. I just started blogging and am glad I found this. Very informative. I don't use bookmarking sites, but I barely get traffic. I only use Twitter, FB and G+. Great tips, thanks for sharing, going to share.

    Jesyka V. @ jasminerayne.blogspot.com

  15. How does one syndicate their content? I have a subscribe to RSS feed button on my blog, but do I have to do more than that? I guess I`ll have to do some research. Thanks for sharing, this is quite interesting.

    Happy Easter!
    Some Snapshots Blog

  16. Hey Jessica!

    Saw this post on Canopi. Love it! I was super excited when because in all honesty we're hoping to automate a lot of the things listed above so that rather than spend your time doing all of the things listed you'll be able to spend more time doing what you love... writing a post!!

    Erin - Co-founder of Canopi.me

  17. These are interesting tips though I also wonder about the etiquette of asking other bloggers to link to one of your posts or mention a particular post. How does one do that without seeming rude or desperate? You could always offer the same in return but then there's the risk of sounding like one of those annoying "follow me, I'll follow you back" people.

  18. Wow. Thanks so much for this post, especially for introducing us to Bonnie! Followed as soon as I landed on his Pinterest.

  19. I don't use Reddit, Digg, or StumbleUpon either. Never saw the point. I don't like feeling too plugged in, you know? I'll definitely give some of these tips a try though! Like the Wisestamp one.


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