three ways to keep me coming back

how to keep customers coming back

michael kors tan handbag

michael kors watch

michael kors boat shoes

linzgutz bracelet

spring accessories

jessica who blogspring stripes

Top: Bebe // Skinnies: F21 // Necklace: JewelMint // Earrings: Etsy // Watch: MK // Bracelet: c/o LinzGutz // Hair Tie: Jolie (giveaway win) // Handbag: MK // Shoes: MK

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love getting what I call "happy mail". Happy mail can be anything that comes to me via the good ol' fashioned mail and makes me happy. Being a blogger + the fact that the majority of my shopping is done online + my recent giveaway winning streak (I hope that didn't jinx me) has lead to more mail than usual. I love it! Since the spike in incoming mail, I've noticed a few things. Now let me say first - I don't own a retail business. Nor do I work for a retail business. So I am by no means an expert. However, I am a customer. And I think I have a lot of experience being one of those ;)

Here are a few things that keep me, the customer, coming back:

1. Packaging. It's all in the details! I can't even count how many times I've received a package from a company that had nothing in it but the product. Just thrown in there. No tissue, no wrapping, no note, not even a receipt. The only way to find out where it came from was to look at the return address label - if that was even there. These things matter! A company that sends me a plain tank top with cute packaging and a sweet handwritten note is going to have my attention over a company who sends me a beautiful dress that was thrown into a box all alone. 

2. Interaction. Retweets on Twitter, likes on Instagram, sharing of photos, all of these things make a difference - especially to bloggers. Bloggers want attention! As do most women. If someone shares a photo of themselves wearing your product, or they're singing praises about your company via Facebook or Twitter, why not share it? Why not comment? They are proud of your product which should make you proud too! Not to mention it's free publicity. 

3. Incentive. or bribing.. whatever you want to call it :) Either way, it works! And it can be super easy and simple. Everyone likes free stuff and discounts. Throw in something extra with an order - even something small like a koozie or fun stickers, create a customer loyalty program, host fun contest or attractive sales. I often choose a company that's a little more expensive just because I know I can gain points towards something (hello, Starbucks gold card!). It's all a game and people like to play it.

Now there are definitely a few things that can cancel out some of this - like a big name. Tory Burch could never respond to me on Twitter and send me things in crappy packaging but that probably wouldn't stop me from buying. And then there's the obvious factors like quality and pricing. The things I listed above are especially important for small businesses who are trying to make a name for themselves. Every little thing counts. And of course there's major bonus points if you do all three!

After all of that, I want to go shopping now! What keeps you coming back?

Linking up with Style Sessions



  1. I totally agree with all of this!!! I can't even tell you how much I loved to see Rebecca Minkoff's company respond to me with a thank you when I tweeted about how much I love her Mac bags! It means so much to people and takes so little! And I think Becca of Kiki La'Rue is the absolute BEST with all of this!

  2. Oooh girl, look at that bling! Your wedding ring is GORG. And I'm a fan of the pink/gold bracelet from LinzGuts.

    eShakti has sent over some awesome product reviews my way, and they've featured me on their customer blog raving about their product! Love that about companies. :)

  3. Oh I love it when stores have deals or when they offer giveaways! That's one reason why I love Shabby Apple :)


  4. You look so pretty! I love the pink top on you. And totally adore your watch and bracelet. I agree, I love when the items I receive have super cute packaging or a handwritten thank you note!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  5. All of those things are so important! I hate it when I boast about a company I'm sampling and they don't talk back! The packaging does make a big difference!

  6. You look gorgeous!

    And yes, I love getting something that had some thought put into it. It's easy for someone to just put something in a box and ship it off but its a real treat to get a little something extra or even a little handwritten note - definitely makes it feel a lot more personal.

    ♥ Duckie.

    Sorry I've been a stranger!

  7. I definitely agree with all of this. And I LOVE the bracelet. I'm heading over to etsy right now... :)

  8. Your photos are so gorgeous! Love your outfit!

    So happy I found your blog! Newest follower :)

  9. Special promotions, giveaways, and loyalty programs definitely keep me coming back for more!

  10. You are SOOO right! I look for all of these things when I purchase items!

  11. First of all, you look adorable, love that watch! Second of all, I SO agree with your 3 things! I'm always surprised to see packages arrive without ANYTHING personalized on it. A little note or fun packaging or bright colors make me come back for sure! :)


    Fierce & Fashionable

  12. First of all, you look adorable, love that watch! Second of all, I SO agree with your 3 things! I'm always surprised to see packages arrive without ANYTHING personalized on it. A little note or fun packaging or bright colors make me come back for sure! :)


    Fierce & Fashionable

  13. Free shipping, good quality and good deals!

  14. i love social interaction from businesses too! i about died when GAP tweeted me!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  15. What a great post! I couldn't agree with you more on all points. :)

  16. I totally agree! Customer service is huuuuuge to me. I've had a few customer service related jobs and always prided myself on doing well in that field because it is definitely NOT easy by any means. If I call/email/whatever with a question or problem I want it taken care of right away in a courteous manner. And for stores that are both online and storefront I want to be able to return online purchases to the store. A lot of times if a company doesn't offer that then I won't shop there.

  17. You are so cute! That bag is adorable, oh my gosh! I have to say your blog title is so stinking cute! We have the same name I loved how you played of the commonness of the name. Very creative! :)

  18. I'm totally with you on all 3 points! I love pretty packaging but when they're good at interacting, I'm a customer for life. Love your hamilton! My Hamilton is my pride and joy.

  19. I love your shoes!!!

    I love your blog! Nice outfit!
    I would love for you to stop by my page too and hopefully you support me by following me! Thanks

    ps: ShillCat Women's Accessories is given away an amazing jewelry. Take a look at this link:


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