finding balance

finding balance

lanikai hike

hawaii yoga

hawaii photography

yoga hawaii

hawaii hikes

oahu yoga

finding balance

Finding balance in this crazy life is hard. I feel like I'm constantly trying to fit things into my schedule whether it's work, blogging, spending time with Jared, friends, playing with Duke, keeping in touch with loved ones off island, the list never ends. And I don't even have kids! (major props to all the moms and dads out there!)

Since I've been working a lot more from home, finding balance has been even more challenging. 

I mentioned last week that Jared and I are on stay-cation this week. I'm writing this post in advance but I know It's going to be SO difficult to stay away from work, email, social media, and really the internet in general. I mean let's not kid ourselves, I won't be able to ignore it all completely, but sometimes don't you think we should? Or could? 

At the beginning of our marriage I worked in a Creative Director position and was working very long hours. I'd come home late and then still have to do work from home. I remember having to answer texts/emails/calls during dinner with Jared and realizing that that was NOT how I wanted to live. It's hard and sometimes even harder if you really do love what you do for work. And I admit that sometimes even blogging feels like a job. 

Where do you draw the lines between it all?

How do you balance your life? 


  1. I absolutely think it's necessary to sort of disconnect for a little while. With technology, it's so easy to blend work with home life! When I go on vacation, I never use my phone or email (except to talk with family). If I do, it's because I want to, not because I'm forced to (via work)!

    Great post!

  2. you're on the lanikai ridge in this picture, yes? my grandparents used to live directly below there... well, they technically still have the house. adore lanikai!
    kw Ladies in Navy
    Target giveaway!

  3. I struggle with this too! It's definitely hard to draw a line, but I think if you're making an intentional effort to cut out the things you don't need, you'll find that balance and quality time with loved ones! Sometimes I need just put my phone in another room on silent for a few hours while I handle some things around the apartment, or leave it in the car while I have coffee with a friend. I'm no good at this one, but I'm trying to be... just saying no. There are a few times where I'm going to have an exceptionally busy week and I just have to put blogging on the back burner. I did that just last week. It was refreshing to not stress over writing posts and reading blogs, but now I'm back and I'm loving it! Best of luck to you as you figure out the balance for your life! :)

  4. That is the never ending question isn't it? I feel like the needs always evolve, and finding a constant balance will always be a challenge!


  5. Oh my goodness, I TOTALLY know what you mean! I have been trying to figure out how to balance it all, and not let my family get the short end of it all. But I feel that the more time passes the more I am figuring out what works and what needs to be done when. I hope you are able to find a good balance and have a great time away from it all :)


  6. Great yoga poses and I hope you enjoyed your staycation!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. Get out of my head! :-) This past weekend I didn't do anything blog related. It can be a bit overwhelming especially if you work a 9-5. There isn't that many hours in a day. Hopefully I can get things worked out answer it all plays out smoothly in the end.

    Who is that girl Mo?

  8. I try to take a couple of hours a day to just relax, and to just do something I really enjoy. I like reading, or watching some TV by myself.

    xx Denysia Yu

  9. balance is always tough. I tend to get on my computer immediately when I get off work and I have to remind myself to unplug and just relax. and spend time with humans face to face, not just in blogland :)

  10. I need to def try to take a few hours to disconnect. Thanks for posting this!!

    14th & Peachtree

  11. I love this! Beautiful images! Hubby and I also find it hard to balance everything between both working, the kids, his rugby, my running and church, it all gets to be so much! You have some wonderful ideas here that I'll be keeping in mind for when his leave comes in June! Thank you!

  12. I have no idea how I balance. I think I kind of just keep going.


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