there's no place like home

there's no place like home

The Home T

home t

home t-shirt

Jessica Who? Blog

texas home t
Top: c/o The Home T // Jeans: American Rag // Necklace: c/o Ginger13 // Bracelet: c/o LinzGutz // Boots: Eden in Love

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home! Am I in Texas yet? 
Maybe not, but this baby right here helps cure a bit of my homesickness. 

Y'all know I'm a sucker for anything Texas, right? Well, The Home T entered my life and rocked my world.

Here are four reasons why you should get one too --

+ They're freaking soft. So comfy that you won't want to take it off. No, really. And there's none of that  "babydoll fit" crap. This is a straight up, classic, old school t-shirt. And it's perfection.
Since their shirts are uni-sex, lots of people have questions about their sizing. FYI - I'm wearing a small and you can get more sizing info here.

+ They give backA portion of their profits is donated to multiple sclerosis research. Why? Because "There are plenty of reasons why, some hitting closer to home than others, but at the end of the day it's a nasty disease that can impact anyone, at just about anytime, and donating to the cause is a top priority." And if you know me at all, you also know that I'm a sucker for small businesses and an even bigger sucker for businesses who give back. (get your mind out of the gutter) 

+ There's no place like HOME. You see, Texans are naturally born with this inherent need to flaunt our  state pride. We don't NEED these t-shirts (because Texans can always point out fellow Texans), but we WANT them. We want people to know where home is. (This is especially true for those of us who have unfortunately wandered out of the great state.) And you know what? You should to, dangit! Be proud of where you came from. Be proud of where your home is.

Can you tell that I'm super excited about this shirt?? I feel like I sound like a used car salesman right now. Not good. And I totally don't mean to. Texas always excites me but being so far away makes having a piece of home that much more special. 

texas bloggerstexas bloggers

the texas home t-shirttexans in hawaii

Side note - is it just me or do these pictures look like high school senior portraits?! If so, don't tell me ;)


  1. That is the cutest top!
    Looks great on you!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. Yay! Proud to call Texas home too :) Love this tee and how you layered it with the hot pick peeking out from underneath. Boots are fab with this look!

    Xo from Houston!

  3. Love this look and no they don't look like senior pics :)

  4. oh my love the t-shirt and the boots you look amazing

  5. I love these t-shirts! I need to get my hands on a NY one!

  6. I love these tees- I've been seeing them all over the blogosphere lately!

  7. I love it! I want one! And it's so great that they give back!!

  8. Too cute, Jessica!


  9. You look so freaking cute! I told my botyfriend I wanted one and he said he'd break up with me if I got an NJ t-shirt.

  10. Absoutely love the Tee! I have to order one for me!
    you look darling too!

  11. Thank you SO much for sharing The Home T with your readers. You look amazing in it!


  12. got same tee too. We lived in Houston for almost 9 years and a few in San Antonio. Now that we moved to GA, i still loved TX that's why it the TX shirt instead.


  13. What a cute shirt, I love how you layered the pink!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  14. Loveeeeeee these shirts!


  15. I wish they would do some for Canada aha. Love the idea, love the shirts, love the cause - perfect!

  16. You do look very happy and youthful. Great photos and tee. :-)

    Who is that girl Mo?

  17. I love this tee, it's so cute and you are just adorable. There really is no place like home.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. Love it! I need a NY one. And you look awesome in yours. Def not senior picture photos. Lol. :)

  19. great shirt and looks fab on you. i'm a sucker for a comfy t-shirt.

  20. So cute. I love the photos. Looks like boarded up military house. (military brat)

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose

  21. Yay! I've lived in Texas, and I loved it! My hubby is in the military and we've lived a few places, but we love TX! I grew up in SC, and so I'll probably have to get both...haha! Is there a discount code or anything to reduce shipping? Thanks!


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