march 2013 in review + a giveaway

You guys know I love stats. And lists. So I always get excited to write these monthly posts. It's a good way to keep track of how my blog is doing and why. I encourage all of you to pay attention to these things too, even if you don't post it. And if you don't use Google Analytics yet, do it! It's free and very informative. Danielle just posted this tutorial that's really helpful. Check it out!

Here is a review of March 2013 on Jessica Who? ---

+ Top Posts Read in March +

+ Top Referrals +
1. Pinterest
2. Bloglovin
3. Blogger
5. Twitter
6. Facebook

+ Top Keywords That Lead to Jessica Who? +
1. jessica who blog
2. jessica
3. bonnie cribbs
4. glam hungry mom
5. kitchen cheat sheet

+ Top Cities of Readers +
1. New York
2. Honolulu
3. Los Angeles
4. Houston
5. Chicago

+ Most Liked Photos on Instagram +

See February 2013 in review here

Wanna be a part of the action? There are lots of exciting things planned for April and BIG changes coming in May! Use code ADVERTISE for 30% off of any size. Valid this week only!

And now for the giveaway! --------------------------

This past week Laura from Walking in Memphis in High Heels reached 1,000 followers on her blog! To celebrate and thank her readers, she has teamed up with some of her favorite bloggers to have a huge giveaway! I am so honored that she included me! Please take a moment to show these these bloggers some love!  
Now onto the prize -- One lucky reader will win a $300 gift card to J.Crew, a $200 gift card to Target and a $200 gift card to Sephora! How amazing is that?! Seriously, I wish I could enter. You can check out each blog by clicking on the link below their name, and enter the giveaway by using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

Abigail  ||  Ady  ||  Alicia

Andrea D  ||  Andrea M  ||  Angela

Alyssa  ||  Amy D  ||  Analisa

Ashlee  ||   Bekah  ||   Brianne

Chioma   ||   Colleen   ||   Dani

Emily  ||  Holly  ||  Jaclyn

Karri  ||  Keyona  ||  Kira 

Laura  ||  Lindsey  ||  Maria

Merchon  ||  Serena  ||  Taber 

Please refer to the Rafflecopter for complete terms and conditions. Jessica Who? is not responsible for the delivery, shipment, or execution of this prize.

Feeling lucky? Enter these giveaways too!



  1. I'm most excited about the J. Crew gift card! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that store!!

  2. I'm definitely most excited about the $300 j.crew gift card! Such an awesome giveaway!! :)

  3. I'd love to win the gift card to Sephora

  4. J.Crew, for sure! Mama needs a new summer wardrobe! Thanks for the chance to win.


  5. I've been lusting after make up SO much lately and I LOVE sephora but I'm a bit broke so I'd be pretty psyched about a little cash to spend there!

  6. I'd be most excited about the Sephora one. I hear a lot of raves about it and have been dying to try them, but they all sound great! :)

  7. Probably the Sephora card then Target ;)

  8. I'm dying to add some J Crew items to my closet! This would be an awesome giveaway to win!

  9. All of these gift cards are awesome, hard to choose. Maybe Target just because I ALWAYS need something from Target :)

  10. oh I love the way you do your monthly recaps!

  11. I was trying to decide which one and I can't even!! Too much awesome.

  12. J Crew! I need a new swimsuit!

  13. J Crew! I need new summer stuff!

  14. Would love to win mainly for the Sephora gift card to give to my daughter.

    Thanks to all the awesome bloggers for this great giveaway!

  15. JCrew the most - but of course I would love all of them - just like kids, their each special in their own way!

  16. This is a tough question, since these are my top 3 places to shop!! I think Sephora though, just because I don't usually splurge there-- I usually just get what I need for beauty products.

    Thank you

  17. What an amazing give away!! I'd probably pee my pants with excitement!

  18. I am most excited FOR the Target GC !!

  19. I would definitely love the JCrew gift card the most! It's my favorite store and I can never afford to shop there as a poor college student :( Hope I win!

  20. Such a tough decision, but I'm probably most excited about the chance of winning the J. Crew gift card!

  21. I am excited for all of them, but I <3 Target and Sephora!! =) I'd probably choose the Sephora one for the one I'm most looking forward to! I don't treat myself much to makeup/ this would be perfect for me!

  22. I'm excited about all of them! I probably shop at Target the most, but would love to buy some new clothes from JCrew and some new makeup from Sephora! So, any of them!! :)

  23. Totally looking forward to the J. Crew gift card! I just love that store!

  24. Holy cow, all are great, but the J Crew card really hits home with me. I love your style!

  25. I'm most excited about the J. Crew gift card!

  26. I am most excited about the Sephora gift card. It would feed my perfume addiction and I could get some more U.D. primer. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  27. I'm excited about all of them, but the sephora card in particular would knock the clarisonic I've been wanting off my list :)

  28. The Target gc!

    Amanda Sakovitz on rafflecopter

    thank you!

  29. the target gift card


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