dear tex-mex

Dear Tex-Mex,

It's hard for me to write this without missing you more than I already do. As I think of you from time to time (pretty much everyday), my stomach grumbles and my heart longs for you. 

I miss your taste in my mouth.
I miss the feeling of you in my belly.
I'm lost without you.

Since I moved to Hawaii in 2010, I've barely seen you at all. Even in 2009 when I lived in NYC, I missed you. But at least I could hang with your cousins from South America. They were nice too...but they weren't you. No one can replace you.

I've met several impostors here in Hawaii. They all claim to be you or a relative of you. Some people fall for it, but I know better.

I hate that you can't leave Texas...but that's also your best quality. Only people who have been blessed enough to step foot in the greatest country on earth know the real you.

Until we can be together again, I'll continue to dream of you and I'll attempt to recreate you in my kitchen. Or I'll have Jared try. He's better at those things.

Don't ever change.

Your biggest fan,


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  1. Ahahahah!!

    Loved your letter.

    I love Tex-mex, and I'm sure it misses you <333

  2. Love! Looks scrumptious :)

  3. Tex-Mex is definitely one of the benefits of living in Texas!! (also? I have a delicious recipe for Mexican casserole! I can email it to you of you'd like!!)

    Thanks so much for linking up!

  4. Such a great letter and so true! Also, I loved your GW quote on your about me page!!!

  5. HAHAHA this is hilarious! I can't imagine a life without of the best things about living in Texas for sure! I will have a big Tex-Mex dinner in your honor soon! Is that just cruel?

  6. Hahahaha omg how are you surviving?!!? I'll keep you in my prayers girl, I know TexMex is the hardest thing to get over, i'll eat a little extra tonight and think of you....stay strong! ;]

  7. Thank you for linking up today! I am jealous you live in Hawaii.

    I lov Tex - Mex. Hubbs suggested I blog about it today, but I chose to wait.

    That food looks amaze.

  8. I guess trading Tex-Mex for the beauty of Hawaii would be a fair trade but I'm not sure if I could do it. :)

  9. Really, the food here is just...well...its just...ah-maz-ing. If you happen to read my post you will notice that many of my important facts have to do with food. be fair..Hawaii has some amazing cevechie.


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