how long has it been?! [our love story]

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."
Mignon McLaughlin

Exactly 2 years ago, Jared and I said "I do.". It was actually kind of crazy and could have ended up really bad. See, what lots of people don't know is that although Jared and I have been friends since 2006, we actually didn't meet in person until 2010. We spent a total of 2 weeks together, in person, before we decided, this was it.

We had built this strong connection over the years prior to marriage. I can honestly say that I fell in love with him before we even met. 

Now I know what you're thinking...You're crazy! You barely knew him before you married him!
And a lot of our friends (and I'm sure our family) thought the same thing.
But the thing is, I did know him. I knew him better than I knew anyone I had ever dated before.
We talked for hours and hours everyday. We told each other everything. We grew this amazing friendship built on trust and communication. So when we did finally meet in person, it was a done deal.
We just knew.

Yes, we had some people judging us. Yes, looking back, it does seem kind of crazy/ scary/ risky.
But today, 2 years later, I'm so grateful.
Because making that crazy/ scary/ risky move was the best decision I've ever made. And I'm happier than ever because of it!

Check out this post by Ashley @ The Shine Project about her 2 year anniversary with her husband. It makes me smile!

Happy Friday y'all!


  1. I don't think you were crazy! You followed your heart and it took you to a very happy place! Go you girl!

  2. Yay! Happy anniversary, I love your story :-)


  3. Happy Anniversary! Don't worry... my husband and I met through when he was living in a different state. We emailed and talk on the phone for weeks before finally meeting and somehow we just knew. Sometimes the craziest, riskiest moves are the most rewarding.

  4. love your love story, girl.. i know i said it on fb already, but happy anniversary.. =)

  5. Happy Anniversary!! It's ok to be crazy when you know your heart. I knew my husband for 2 years before we went on our first date. A short 6wks later we were married. I believe there was bets about how we wouldn't last a year. Unfortunately they all lost. We are working on our 16th year together.

    Always listen to your heart! :)

  6. awwwww... what a cool love story! :) Happy Anniversary!

  7. awwwww... what a cool love story! :) Happy Anniversary!

  8. I love that quote, so beautiful. Happy anniversary and many many more! Newest follower!

  9. that is crazy but so awesome that you found each other and what a blessing that you just knew!! happy anniversary!!

  10. I love your blog!
    I nominated you for the versatile blogger award!


  11. we just celebrated our anniversary too!! Happy Anniversary! SO fun to hear your story! You two are way cute!

  12. Happy anniversary! I love your crazy story!

  13. You're story sounds so intriguing! Good for you guys for following your hearts and not listening to the naysayers! :)

  14. Happy anniversary to you two! Your story is so precious! It's amazing how two people are just MEANT to be together. No matter how long or short of a time it takes. :)

  15. How sweet! My love and I have been together for 4 years but we are not married yet. Wishing you both many more happy years!

  16. Such a sweet love story! Happy Anniversary! :)

  17. Loved reading this story. I love the fact that sometimes crazy things happen and THEY WORK. That's awesome. So happy for you two. Happy belated anniversary. Also, I love the quote up there - I've heard it before, but it makes me smile every time :)

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  21. Wow, this is actually really crazy but cool to hear! Because my boyfriend and I are kind of the same way. We did go to Bible school together for three months, but we weren't friends in school. I knew him and his character, but we really never hung out. Throughout the years I saw him once or twice, but again, we just said hi and that was kind of it. Then he moved back to Ireland where he lives, and then to Jordan to be an English teacher there.That's what connected us. I have a heart for the Middle East, I want to live there really bad. When I heard that my old schoolmate was living there I contacted him! And when we started writing eachother, he instantly fell for me (I had no idea! I thought he was just being really friendly) but after three months of writing he finally told me how he felt about me! And I couldn't have been happier, cause I had started to form feelings for him.
    We talk on skype EVERYDAY for hours. And though we do have booked trips to see eachother, it's been hard to find a longer time than one to two weeks to spend time together. But I know he's the one! And maybe we won't spend a ton of time in person before we say I do. But despite only being acquaintances in person, and now later in love far away, I just know he's the one. I know him better than anyone I've ever known or dated. We tell each other everything and we both have a heart for the same country, which just blesses my socks off :)

    I totally think this could happen. And you're totally right, people do judge... and sometimes its a little hard to explain. But seriously, no one has ever made me happier! And look at you girl, you and your man are proof that when its right, its right, it does work!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  22. Makes me smile reading this post and relieved (I guess) that I'm not the only crazy person in this world. I so much agree with what you said that when you finally meet the person you wanna be with, you just knew.


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