15 things to do before you have kids

Ok so most of you know that I'm scared to death of to have children. 

Will I be a good mom?
Will I like being a mom? 
Will my kids hate me?
Will my life be over if I have kids?
Will my kids turn out to be monsters?

You know... the usual questions.

And I guess since I'm 25 and have been married for almost 2 years, people have been asking nonstop are starting to ask when we're going to start popping babies out. 
My answer? None of your business! 
Just kidding, that's not really my answer. But the truth is, we aren't sure.
And that's ok, right? (please just tell me that it is)
And after reading this article that my friend Heather shared on facebook, one thing is for sure: even if we decide to have kids, it won't be until we feel that we've fulfilled this list (or close to it).
Yes, I know accidents happen. But let's just pretend for a second that I can control my life and plan the next few years with my husband. According to The Nest, this is what I should plan:

1. Go on a wine-tasting tour at a vineyard.
2. Go skydiving/bungee jumping/swimming with sharks.. or whatever other crazy, life-risking thing you've got on your bucket list.
3. make a list of all the restaurants and bars you've been meaning to check out -- and go.
4. Appreciate the bathroom -- alone.
5. Stop being so self-righteous. 
6. Take a road trip.
7. Be spontaneous. 
8. Spend an entire day in bed together watching movies.
9. Have boozy lunches with friends.
10. Feed your minimalist side.
11. Have morning sex.
12. Be the last ones to leave the party.
13. Fly first class.
14. Wear as much silk, cashmere, dry-clean-only, as you possibly can, while you still can.
15. Take a career risk.

For the detailed list, check out the article at: thenest.com

yea, i did that.
Is it a bad sign that I already feel like we can't do some of these things because we have a dog?
I don't know how you mamas do it!
What do you guys think of the list? Is there anything you'd add?

this has nothing to do with the article but i also saw it on facebook and thought it was super cute!


  1. That last pic is super cute & funny!

    Happy Friday!!

    ♥ Shia

  2. Ha! Too cute! And wow.. out of plane? Really!? Eeeeks!

  3. Of course it is ok that you're not sure when you want to have kids. You guys do what is right for you! It's not selfish. Not at all. It's YOUR life and you know what's right for you.

    But girl...you can do ALL of those things even after having children. Trust me. I had my girls very young, at 18 & 19 years old...and I've been able to do all of those things + more and be a mama at the same time. That's what baby sitters and family are for... and you can take your bebes to do so many things. (Our kids have been all over Europe with us, hiking, site-seeing..while they were very little) Don't ever let the idea of kids (or the fact that you have them later) shackle you down and prevent you from still living. Your life shouldn't be reduced to only finger paints and Dora the Explorer just because you are a mama...
    But...all that being said, I totally advocate doing all the fun things that you can, like those on your list, before you have kids.
    The ones that I def agree with, that are hard to come by when you have kids are # 4, 5 & 10. All of the other things...you can do and rock your mama socks at the same time! Yay!! You are going to be an amazing mom when you decide it's time!

    Sorry this was so long =/

  4. Totally agree with Brooke!

    I ended up doing all the things on the list (except the career risk) before having my baby (without knowing it), but the only thing I told my hubby when we got married is that I wanted to travel to at least 3 different countries with him before we had kids, and we did! :-)

  5. Had to laugh when I saw the picture! Somedays are so like that and yes it's perfectly fine for you to not know when you want to have kids! I always tell people it's none of their darn buisness and I'm probably rude about it so don't worry.

  6. I must say you are on a roll with your list from living in NY to Hawaii! And if you do have an oops moment you can do like I am, we are crossing off our list while our kids are in the between stage- as in, old enough to leave with a sitter but too young to demand weekend outings with their friends!

    BTW, that prego picture at the end is adorable!

  7. Crap, I've only got until October, I don't think I'll make it.

    P.S. We waited 8 years, some our plan, some God's, have kids when you are ready, you'll be the one raising them after all!

  8. It is totally normal to not be sure when you are going to be ready for kids! I know I wasn't ready. That is a great list, especially #4 haha. You can still do all of those things after you have a kid :) it is just a little harder to get the time to do it haha!

    Stopping by from "Show Us Your Find" :)

  9. thrilled to have you link up with me and am curious to see what else is on this list of things from the nest--
    yeah- don't rush having kids or worry about it-- people ask you that because they have no other fun topics to mention.
    Hugs!! thanks for linking up with me!! xoxo Texas style.

  10. and I feel it is only right to follow my fellow Texas pal! #147!

  11. I'm in love with this. After 2.5 years of marriage and almost 27, I'm still scared to death of having kids. My husband and I have put a "in 5 years we'll revisit the idea" cap on it. I definitely think we'll need to sit down and make a list too!

  12. you are supposed to answer them, "we are starting tonight" if people ask you when are you going to start having babies.


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