new address!

Yep. I did it. I purchased a domain name. And it is was scary. And I am was nervous. 
And yes, in case you're wondering, jessicawho(dot)com is a transgender blog. So that's awkward cool. 
And yes, I probably should have researched that before I committed to a name. 
But it's done. And I'm hoping that all of you love ME enough to remember ME and my new blog address and spread the word to others that the .com version is not ME (get it? jessicawho.ME!).

Anyway.. you can now find ME at and I'm pretty darn excited about it :)

Oh hey, did I mention that I hit 100 GFC followers today?? Because I did. And I'm pretty darn excited about that too!!! :)


  1. Congrats on your new domain! That is so exciting, and I will definitely remember the .me not the .com!

    Seriously one of the biggest steps I took as a blogger and one of the scariest! Good work girl!

    ps. congrats on your 100 GFC followers!

  2. omg that is so funny (well not THAT funny) (but kind of) that the other domain led to a transgender blog.

    and congrats on 100!

  3. I would be terrified to buy a 1000 bravery points to you! :)
    And congrats on breaking into the triple digits!

  4. Congrats on the domain and at 100 followers! I like that it's .me, It's sort of like, who, me?

    Am I totally lame?

    I am a new follower to your blog. It is really adorable and I can't wait to read more! Greets from Germany!

    <3 Daryl
    Roots, Wings & Other Things.

  5. Congrats on the domain name. I love it!

    New follower!!!

    ♥ Shia


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