wanna know a secret?

The secret is.. I've been a blog angel since June 1st which means that I've been secretly helping and encouraging a fellow blogger - without her knowing. 
To be honest- I'm not sure that I'm doing a good job at it! 
I realized that it's harder than I expected. It's hard to help someone without being too helpful or suspicious. (She's a blog angel too so she knows someone is up to something.- which by the way, I have NO CLUE who mine is!!) It was also difficult because I found out that we don't have a whole lot in common on a personal level. But I've done by best to try to relate.
I have interacted with her in ways that I haven't with other bloggers before but I realized that it's something that I should do more often. Interacting with bloggers and readers is time consuming but also so rewarding. I'm really looking forward to the reveal so that I can offer help without being secretive about it. I'm also looking forward to reading about other's experiences so that maybe it sparks some ideas for me!

Do you have a blog angel? How has your experience been?


  1. Thanks for being so open to new things and trying so hard. I bet you're doing an awesome job! I keep trying to think of more tips, but am struggling too! Really looking forward to the reveal post now!

    Rosie xx

  2. Oh Jessica, I know it can be hard! I have been participating this round while Rosie has been a champ and dealt with the emails and organization (love her!).. I have also found it difficult to find many things to do on a regular basis at times.. I agree that interacting in ways that you haven't or rarely have before is so rewarding! I cannot wait to continue to do so! :)


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