blog angel reveal

Back in May, I signed up to be a blog angel.
You can read a little more about it here.

It basically means that for the month of June, I was a secret "angel" to a fellow blogger. 

And that fellow blogger was...


Jess @ Jess is More!

Kinda ironic given the name of my blog, huh?

Anyway, I have to admit, I kinda sucked at being an angel.
But I promise I tried!

Besides the fact that we both have a super awesome name, it was hard for me to find ways to relate to Jess.

Jess is awesome in the kitchen.
My kitchen hates me. (or maybe I just hate my kitchen.)

Jess is all about eating right, losing weight, and working out.
I am lazy and eat junk food.

Jess has been blogging about her wedding planning experiences.
I absolutely HATED planning our wedding.

I'm going to stop with the list now because Jess is sounding a lot cooler than me.

But there was one thing that Jess writes about that I can definitely relate to.
Lily is her dog, who she loves. And obviously, I'm completely in love with my dog, Duke.
Jess has a series going on called "What Lily Ate Wednesday". It's pretty awesome (and sometimes scary).
You should check it out.

[via Jess]
Jess was awesome enough to let me guest post for her here.
And I even made one of her delicious recipes!
Ok, I didn't really make it- my husband did. You can read about that here.
Andddd we're swap buddies for July which I'm pretty excited about :)

Overall, this was a really great experience.
I'm so grateful that I was paired with someone that I didn't know much about. it gave me a chance to learn - a lot.

Thanks for that, Jess! I hope I didn't suck too bad!

P.S. Did I say "Jess" enough times in this post? It's an awesome kind of weirdness to call someone else that name :)

Linking up here!



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