weekly roundup | february 9, 2013

I am constantly finding great info across the web. I pin pretty much everything but I thought I'd try putting together some of my favorites in posts at the end of each week. I've seen other people do this and it's always really helpful for me to kind of "weed through" posts to find really great content. So here's what I found this week!


+ Bleach Tee Tutorial by My Three Bittles: I'm not the crafty type but this bleach dyed t-shirt tutorial seems simple enough!

+ The Messy Project: You've heard of The Messy Project, right? It's one of the most genius ideas I've ever seen in the blogging world.

Home Decor:

+ Mountain Lady Decor by Chestnut Mocha: If it was up to my husband, we'd live far away from any major city in a cabin. Fortunately, he hasn't persuaded me to do that yet but if we did, I'd want our home to look like this.


+ 3 Years of Marital Blish: I love the honesty of this post!

+ In case you missed it -- check out my 15 Ways to Stay Married for 15 Years


For Bloggers:

+ Tax Tips for Bloggers and Small Businesses by JustLove.ly Things: To be honest, I haven't even read this post yet.. So why am I recommending it? Because all of us bloggers NEED to read it! As usual, I am putting it off because I hate taxes!

+ Know Before You Grow: Have you started treating your blog like a small business yet? Read this!

+ iPhone Apps for Blogging by The Life of the Not So Ordinary Wife: You run your blog plus 7923474 social media accounts but you're not always near a computer.. so what do you do?! Melissa suggests apps to help!

+ 10 Tips for Running a Successful Giveaway


+ 8 Tips for Working From Home: I need to take this advice.

Do you have anything you'd like to share?



  1. Very cute post. I am checking out some of those links.


  2. This was so beneficial to me. In fact, I'm keeping the pages bookmarked on taxes and income because I want to talk to my husband about them. I started my business and blog in September so 2012 wasn't as big as I'm hoping 2013 will be for me.

  3. This was so beneficial to me. In fact, I'm keeping the pages bookmarked on taxes and income because I want to talk to my husband about them. I started my business and blog in September so 2012 wasn't as big as I'm hoping 2013 will be for me.

  4. Desirae sent me from the giveaway! I absolutely love your blog and am so glad to have found it :)

  5. I do like reading "the best of the internets" posts on the weekends! I hadn't ever heard of the Messy Project, but now I am obsessed! Thanks for sharing!

    Enter My Lendperk Giveaway (Only a few hours left!)

  6. I pretty much clicked every link and it was all super helpful/important stuff!


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