everyone has a story

everyone has a story
I'm writing this post with a heavy heart. I recently read an email. It was the worst kind of email. The kind that starts off with those awful words "it is with deep sadness and regret..". Anything that comes after that is sure to be bad. The email went on to say that a former coworker of mine had passed away. 
Coworker doesn't seem like the right word to describe him. Yes, we were employed by the same company. And yes, we worked together. But he was more than that. He was the kind of man that cared about everyone he met. The kind of person that asked how you were doing and actually wanted to hear your answer. The kind of man that immediately took on a fatherly role to anyone that was younger than him. A selfless man who I grew very fond of. 
Apparently, he was living with a terminal illness for several years prior to his death. An illness that he never spoke of to any of us. Not even the people he had worked with for most of his life.. the people he saw everyday. 
How is that possible? How can you see someone everyday for years and not know such a huge aspect of their life? Isn't that crazy to think about?
Would I have treated him differently if I knew?

Today, I am reminded that everyone has their own story. Good or bad, it's theirs.

I encourage you to learn someone's story today or at least acknowledge that it's there.



  1. Great words.. Great post.
    So sorry you lost a friend.

    xo Marie

  2. He sounds like an incredible man. Sending warm wishe and condolences.

  3. Very sorry for your loss. I have an illness, if health ever comes up I usually will let someone know, but I believe our health is the most important thing we have... And we need to take care of ourselves & be compassionate to others since like your co-worker, not everyone talks about it. Praying for your healing process. :)

  4. I am so sorry. It must be hard to learn something like that but at the same time I understand him for not wanting to tell people. Your right about everyone having a story.

  5. He sounds like he was a great man. I am sorry for your loss!

  6. so sorry for your loss, and thankful for your wise words! sending you love.x

  7. He does sound like an amazing man. I am so sorry to hear what about your loss.

  8. Amazing post. I am sorry for your loss, but this really resonated with me. This is why I love writing. You get to tell those stories. <3 I wish you healing and love my friend.

  9. I'm sorry for your loss of this important person. I think it's VERY important to remember that everyone has their own story. It's hard to remember sometimes that there isn't a giant chalk board above our heads telling everyone what is going on or what we've been through. Yet at the same time it's a reminder that people need to not be so insensitive... because you never know.

  10. so true.
    and so sorry for your loss.

    it's crazy, this life of ours.

    xo - heather
    This Life Is Yours Blog

  11. I'm so sorry, what a shock! Will be thinking of you, and praying for you!


  12. So sorry for your loss! Love that quote...so true.

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. I got the same kind of email a couple of days ago about a childhood friend. It's crazy to think about how short life can be, and to realize that you will never see or talk to that person again. He sounds like he was such a great person, too. Always cherish those good times :)

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. He sounds wonderful. Thanks for this post and your message. Praying for you and his friends and family.

  15. Sounds like an important person I once lost. How true is that quote!!


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