how well does your spouse know you?

Here are the instructions:
  1. Fill out the Valentines Day Questions. You can find them here.
  2. Hand over the same set of questions to your spouse. Find out his answers to the questions about you.
  3. Write a post comparing both of your answers
  4. Link up your blog post below!
I am so excited to read everyone's posts! Here's how Jared and I did..

married life
this was pretty much our reaction after reading our answers

Questions: Feel free to add or take away any questions you want.

1. How long have you been married?
Jared: Since June 22, 2010
Jessica: about 2 years and 8 months
he remembered our anniversary!!

2. Where was your first date?
Jared: Ragin Cajun
Jessica: Ragin Cajun.. crawfish!
so romantic, right?? it's a date I'll never forget!

3. Where was your first kiss?
Jared: Houston Airport
Jessica: in my car outside of the airport!
I barely remember it because I was sooo nervous!

4. Who first said, "I love you"?
Jared: Jess, extremely wasted
Jessica: me! it was a drunk "I love you" but it still counts!
don't judge me!

5. What were your wedding colors?
Jared: Moroccan 
Jessica: Moroccan theme, so lots of colors!
so surprised that he knew this!

6. What is her most commonly used phrase?
Jared: "Oh my gosh, so listen"
Jessica: "Yayuhh!"
we've agreed to disagree on this one!

7. Who is her celebrity crush?
Jared: Brad Pitt, Dwayne Wade, Ryan Gosling, and the list goes on..
Jessica: umm.. Ryan Gosling??

married life
proof that I'm right! I'm holding a vodka tonic and he's holding a miller lite!
8. If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
Jared: crown and ginger for me, vodka and tonic with lime for her
Jessica: vodka tonic for me, miller lite for him
another disagreement! 

9. What is the best meal she has ever cooked you?
Jared: quesadillas and nachos 
Jessica: I don't cook anything that's not incredibly easy... so.. spaghetti?!
I told you! easy!

10. What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
Jared: penne vodka
Jessica: penne a la vodka
it was so awful! it tasted like pasta in straight up vodka.. he tried cooking it the following week and of course it was amazing!

11. What is the most-played song on her iPod?
Jared: Marry Me
Jessica: anything Ed Sheeran!
he guessed our wedding song! 

12. What would she say is your most annoying habit?
Jared: drinking or using her face towel to wipe my armpits 
Jessica: he is so annoying when he's drunk!

13. What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
Jared: checks her phone and grabs Duke's blanket
Jessica: kiss my hubby and my pup!
Duke won't sleep without his blankey so I always grab it for him! :)

14. If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?
Jared: granny panties 
Jessica: my sweatpants? 
for the record- he thinks all underwear that covers your butt cheeks qualify as "granny panties"

15. What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
Jared: smile off the bat, then her eyes
Jessica: that I always have his back and support him!
of course he named physical traits!

16. What's her go-to drink at Starbucks?
Jared: whatever has the most calories, iced with soy
Jessica: iced soy vanilla latte 
for the record, he is the one who always gets frappacinos and delicious drinks with tons of calories!

17. What's her blog's name?!
Jared: @
Jessica: Jessica Who?
what?! was he trying to name my blog? give the URL? or name an email address?? his excuse was that he has my blog bookmarked on his home screen on his iPhone.. I guess I forgive him :)

I added these questions!:

+ What's her idea of the perfect date night?
Jared: Me cooking her a nice dinner or going to a fancy restaurant, wine, and a movie night with Duke
Jessica: delicious dinner, delicious dessert, wine, watching a movie next to Jared and Duke!
pretty much the same thing :)

+ What's her favorite kind of candy?
Jared: sour gummy worms
Jessica: sour gummy worms!

+ What's her idea of a horrible date?
Jared: awkward questions or a really hot/ really cold environment
Jessica: anything that forces me to be athletic
all of it sounds horrible

Can't wait to read your posts!



  1. Having to be athletic on a date would have sucked too for me. I am horrible. I run FROM the ball, lol.

  2. hahah i love your answers and then his answers!! and that he love that you cook EASY things- so does my husband haha!

  3. Awww!!

    Somehow I can totally see you saying "Oh my gosh, so listen"

  4. WHo said i love you first, that made me laugh! haha

  5. I cracked up at using your face towel to wipe his armpits! That's so sweet that he knows the exact date and the theme/colors! And it's so sweet that Duke sleeps with his blankie!!!

  6. haha I love that your first "i love you" was a drunk one...our first kiss was a drunk one so don't judge me either!! baha!

    PS a Moroccan themed wedding sounds insanely beautiful!

  7. i can't believe he uses your face towels to wipe his pits!! that's love.

  8. I absolutely love the "hot/cold environment"!
    That's so awesome :)

  9. My husband has the same definition for granny panties! I don't care. :)

    I loved reading your answers! You guys are super cute! :) We are both Junebugs (just two years apart).

    I said I love you first, too..... but I was completely sober! So i don't know what's worse?


  10. the drunken i love you is SO common - no shame, girl! aha.

    the vodka penne story made me laugh because mine would be the same then the bf would make it perfect aha. hes the cook for sure!

  11. this is so cute!! good job you two had so many spot on answers!!

  12. sooo cute! I love the granny panties comment. My husband too thinks anything covering a butt cheek ha!

  13. Thanks for hosting! I LOVED this idea and had so much fun with it!


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