my three bittles

Surprise! I'm taking a break today while Amber takes over! Y'all show her some love!

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I'm Amber.
I blog at My Three Bittles.
I'm 27.
I live in Ft Benning, Georgia.
I just spent 3 years living in Ft Wainwright, Alaska.  Yes, Alaska!
I have three small babies.
Fin is 5.
Miss Maddie is 4.
Owen aka Ollie Pollie, Ollie Pollie pants, Pollie pants, handsome pants, Ollie, fat baby, chunker munk just turned One in November.

He's in the army.
Has been for almost 10 years.
(wow! That's crazy that it's been that long)

We have two cats. Roscoe P. Cole Train.  And Bella.
We have Bo the dog.

So let me just highlight a few posts for you.
My 52 weeks of kindness project.
My list of  "Rules" of blogland.
That mini series I did about loving your mom body.
Check them out. For realz.
(post coming soon about the actual journey)
There was that day that 306 almost got the best of me. That one was..... I'm glad it's over.
I talk about military life a little bit.
That time I told women to stop being trashy bitches.
Oh and that time I felt like Cinderella.

I highly suggest you just skim through all of those and then the labels at the bottom of the page.
My favs are the rants and raves, and the I keeps it real posts.

Oh and my rambles are pretty good too.  Just throwing that out there.

This is Fin:
 photo 6D3D999C-912F-48A4-BC76-671F2BE90A06-14694-0000039D8D51C11C.jpg

This is Maddie:
 photo 47791AFF-3B4B-428F-A6C0-87E6EA75EAC3-2821-00000097A4F27E58.jpg

This is Baby O:
 photo IMG_3539-1.jpg

This is David:

This is me:
 photo A086DDBE-E413-4C19-9A52-8A80CDAE17B2-1481-0000004E24992CE7_zps35441ce6.jpg


Anyway.... that's me. That's my life.
I'm pretty boring really.
But I make cute kids.
Oh and I offer awesome giveaways.
I'm offering one of you lucky ducks a $25 giftcard to my FAVORITE store ever!
And it's NOT target.
It's FOREVER 21!!
Can I get a "what what"?!
Okay... went a little overboard with the "what what" thing. I got excited.
Please refer to the Rafflecopter form for complete terms and conditions.

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