manoa falls: part 1

manoa falls

trees hawaii

manoa falls

manoa falls trees

manoa falls hike

manoa falls trees

hawaii berries

hawaii waterfalls

manoa falls waterfall

manoa falls trail

As you may know, Jared gave me a new camera for Valentine's Day. I have a lot to learn about the camera and photography in general, but it's something that I'm really excited about. I've always had a love for photography since I was a little girl. This is my first "big girl" camera and with the beautiful setting of Hawaii, I've definitely been putting it to good use. 
Consider this a warning in advance - there will be lots and lots of pictures to come.
I'm still trying to get the focus and colors just right. Any tips are welcome!

I took about a million pictures on this little hike. Stay tuned for more!



  1. Looks beautiful, isn't it fun having a nice camera?

    I can't wait to see what else you take pictures of!


  2. Your photos turned out great!! Even without beautiful scenery I bet you'd still turn out great photos :) Manoa Falls was one of my favorite hikes there, along with Yokahoma! Excited to see more!

  3. Cool! My man gave me a cool new camera for Valentine's, too, so we can capture awesome images of Hawaii this summer! How funny.

  4. Ahh so jealous of your first big girl camera. I LOVE that hike and umm my pictures NEVER look that good. lol Gorgeous!

  5. These pictures are gorgeous!!! can't wait to see more !!!

  6. I look forward to the photos to come. We left Oahu in 2010 and I miss all those beautiful hikes.

    Bonnie Rose | The Compass Rose

  7. Wow, these photos are gorgeous - it looks like it was an amazing trip!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  8. These pictures are gorgeous! I really..... need to get to Hawaii!


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