
This chick Rachel shamelessly copied my Top 10's of 2012 post so to get her back, I'm copying her list of sorries post. Here we go..

+ I'm sorry about this depressing list of "sorries".. blame Rachel.

+ As I get busier and busier, it takes me longer and longer to respond to emails. Sorry.

+ I'm sorry that I drank all of the wine.. but you should drink faster.

+ I'm sorry that the last few weeks of 2012 were filled with an insane amount of giveaways. That was very poor scheduling on my part. But on the bright side, some of you got some pretty awesome prizes.

+ I'm sorry that my dog barked at you. He's not mean. He's just really scared of people!

+ I'm sorry that I don't open up enough on this little blog. Honestly, it scares me. But I'm working on that, promise.

+ If you've ever advertised with me and didn't get the results that you expected, sorry. Certain blogs work well with certain ads. And if my blog didn't work for you, that's ok. Live and learn.

+ I'm sorry that certain people take the fun out of blogging by taking it a little too seriously. I promise I'll try to never do that.

+ I have 99 drafts of posts that I haven't got around to finishing... Sorry.

+ I'm sorry that my city's team is in the playoffs and yours isn't.

+ I'm sorry that my life isn't cookie-cutter. It frustrates people, but I like it this way. Life is too short to settle for the ordinary.

What are you sorry for?

P.S. You have until Monday to get 40% off any ad space with code NEWYEAR



  1. I'm sorry for thinking that you really shouldn't be sorry/ apologize for any of these things ;) Do You!

  2. haha when I read the little blurb in my dashboard, I was all like WHO THE HELL IS THIS RACHEL AND HOW CAN I KICK HER BUTT FOR YOU? love how you paid her back :)

  3. Sorry I'm not sorry?

    I like these. Congrats to your Texans.

  4. Texas girls never have to apologize :) I laughed through the entire post!

  5. love this. and booo to those who take the fun out of blogging. ew.

  6. Love them TeXans too! Enjoy the game tomorrow! :) I'm sorry that I have to sit in a cold warehouse watching the A&M vs. OK game right now and not in my warm cozy home, but I did need to get out and the food is good! ;) Enjoy your weekend Jessica!

    Haha, sorry, I had to. :-p (And there I go saying sorry.)

    Absolutely love your pup. What a cutie pie! Love your Toms! And BOOOO too all those that take the fun out of blogging. They should have their own special breed of readers... UGH!

  8. Awww I love your dog!!

  9. Good one Jessica...
    Love the way you write your blog...
    Good luck.

    Shivali of

  10. I try not to be sorry for anything, but sometimes you just can't help it! I guess I'm sorry I haven't done a good job of getting out and seeing people face-to-face lately. I can't get over your cute doggie's face!!

  11. that picture of your dog is cute and I don't really think you're that sorry about your team being in the playoffs, hehe ;)

  12. Such a sweet dog!

  13. I don't think you have to be sorry for any of these things ;) This is a fun idea!

  14. This is such a fun post! Even if you have trouble opening up, fun posts like this really help me get to know you :)

  15. Goooooooooo, Texans!!! What a freaking game!!! Now we have to figure out a way to kick Tom Brady's azz!!!!!

  16. OMG that is the CUTEST doggy photo ever! That face!! How could you or anyone ever be mad.


  17. Your dog is precious! What an adorable post. I have that problem with wine as well. ;)


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