seeing double

Apparently there's a nasty cold bug going around the blogosphere (and in our home) and I'm currently carrying that bug. Between the soreness of my throat, the running of my nose, and the pain in my head, sometimes I feel like I'm seeing double.

In an effort to clear up our stuffy heads, Jared and I finally got off of the couch this weekend and took Duke on a little hike. It was a cloudy day but in Hawaii, even cloudy days are gorgeous. We had a little fun with our camera but the pictures still don't do this day justice.

Just me, my boys, and the open skies. I love days like these. Even a yucky cold couldn't ruin it. I wish so badly that I could capture these moments in a little box and open it when I need it most. For now, these pictures will have to do.

What does your perfect day look like?

Linking up with Shanna for Random Wednesday!



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  2. Love your photos!I would like to go there some day.

  3. I love these shots Jess, so pretty!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. Feel better!! This stuff sucks!! And I am so happy you guys are in all the wonder of Hawaii!! I hope to get there one day!! Thanks for linking up!! Xoxo

  5. What an ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS day :) I love it! Your pictures are just beautiful.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  6. I have a cold that just started today! Ugh, it needs to be spring NOW.

  7. you seriously have the most beautiful photos! i want to be in hawaii so badly!! ahh! i actually have a good friend who lives on the main island, i dont think ive told you that?! i love all your fun adventures, im living through you hahah love you!!! xoox

  8. I love all your photos! Especially the ones in the river with your dog! Cute!

  9. How beautiful. It's in the teens where I live so I'm jealous :)

  10. You hike when you're sick?!? You're a bold lady. Haha I'm sick and all I want to do is lay in bed. But maybe if I lived in hawaii, I'd want to get out more too! Lol

  11. I'm trying to get back there for another visit...I loved Maui! Gorgeous photos! I hope you feel better! :)

  12. Ahh! I've got that bug too! Feel better soon!

    ♥ Duckie.

  13. Lovely pictures and the place also.


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