my dog: the paradox

[via] View the original and buy a print here.

Chelsea shared this link via Twitter and I had to share it! It starts off fun but by the end it made me sad..  I hate knowing that Duke is likely to leave this earth before I do. How fair is that? He makes our lives better every single day. No matter what's going on in life, Duke is always happy to see us, he always wants to cuddle, and he always makes us smile. He really is a part of our family. A very important part.



  1. I laughed my head off at the first part then burst out crying at the second.

    I hate thinking of the day Sal will leave this Earth, I just hope she has fun at Rainbow Bridge while she waits but most of the time I just try and fool myself she will forever.

    She does love a good antler as well lol.

    Life in a Break Down

  2. This was amazingly awesome. I am NOT a fan of dogs, and I laughed hysterically. So, so true!

  3. i read about this awhile ago via stumbleupon and yes it starts funny and ends sad :(

    Love your dog as much as possible!

  4. I love the Oatmeal! I haven't seen this one before :-) Soo funny

  5. so sweet, I can totally relate. my dog is 9 yrs old and still wakes me up to stand in the yard and do nothing. :( but he's cute so yeah.

  6. I love this!!! This is so my dog! It is sad to think that they're not going to live as long as we are. I've already lost a dog who I swear was my soulmate dog. It was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. But looking back, he made me so happy (and vice versa)!

  7. cute pictures >-< your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


  8. Loved reading this! But I have to say I too got so sad thinking about our family dogs passing away. Sigh. Why must they have such short lifespans?!

  9. i was cracking up but the ending made me so sad!!!!

  10. HA when I first saw this I was going to say is this the one I posted on Twitter!! Then I saw. SO funny.

  11. This might be the funniest thing I have read all day. I have a year-old teacup yorkie who I love to death and so many of these situations are relate-able. Thanks for the fun laugh!

    - Jaime

  12. So...that's what it's like to have a dog. Cute comic! Thanks for sharing. Now, I must visit The Oatmeal...

  13. I love this! I feel all that for my dog and then I cried. Thinking of my girl not being with me forever is so heartbreaking.

  14. Oh my god! I just laughed til I cried, and then actually cried. {I'm chalking up the actual crying to pregnancy hormones} Thank you for sharing this!
    I just came across your blog and am a new follower!

  15. Yep. That explains it! It's amazing that we give so much to these creatures, and they manage to give even more back in the form of dog love <3

  16. Hilarious! I want a puppy so badly!! Just came across your blog and after reading your "about" I'm totally sticking around b/c I too am NOT into cooking, DIY, crafts or kids :)

    elle [wonderfelle world]


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