15 types of friends

types of friends

As I've gotten older (hey, 25 years of friendships counts for something) I've realized that a "friend" can mean a lot of things. I often became hurt because certain friends weren't living up to my expectations. I used to expect every "friend" to have every quality that I wanted and needed. They had to be trustworthy, fun, loyal, dependable, etc. etc..  But the truth is, not everyone is perfect. And not everyone is going to fit the perfect mold of a "friend". And that's ok. It's to have friends for different reasons. It's ok that the friend that you call when you need advice is not the same friend that you call when you want to try that new pizza place.

There are different types of friends. We all know them. We all love them. Maybe we just love some more than others.

+ The Childhood Friend - If you met her today you probably wouldn't form a relationship. You've grown in different directions since you were younger but you've never grown apart. You've been friends with her for years and that's important to you.

+ The Online Friend - Ok so you've never actually met her in real life.. but you swear you would totally hang out if you did. She knows you better than some of your real-life friends do!

+ The Big Mouth Friend - You love her but you also know her well enough to not trust her with a secret.

+ The Party Friend - The party don't start 'till she walks in! You may not call her your BFF but she sure is fun to be around.

+ The Silver Lining Friend - No matter what's happening in life, she always finds the positive aspects and points them out to you. She lifts you up. 

+ The Motherly Friend - We all love our mamas but they can't be with us all the time. Good thing you have this friend. 

+ The Needy Friend - You didn't answer her text within 30 minutes?!?! Gasp! Be prepared for some damage control.

+ The Slutty Friend - Oh you love her so much but there's no way in hell you'd leave her alone with your man.. especially drunk.

+ The Ride or Die Friend - Picking up and moving to a different country? Ruining your ex-boyfriend's new car? Whatever it is, she's down.

+ The Jealous Friend - Oh you have other friends besides her? How dare you!

+ The No-Judgement Friend - You can tell her anything. You can talk freely. You can totally be yourself. You can trust her.

+ The Bitch Friend - She's brutally honest and you do NOT want to be on her shit-list. She's definitely the girl that you want with you if a cat fight ever breaks out.

+ The Broke Friend - You love her to death but your wallet does not.

+ The Dramatic Friend - Her drama can be pretty entertaining.. as long as it doesn't involve you.

+ The Long Distance Friend - She moved away and you miss her dearly. You don't talk as often anymore but when you do, you pick up right where you left off.

Which type of friend are you? I'm sure I missed a few!

P.S. Hey FRIENDS, these may or may not be based on personal experiences. Don't be THAT friend and automatically assume this is about YOU! ;)



  1. Love this! And so true! I was laughing the whole time because I could think of someone for every one of these categories. Right now, I'd say I'm the flaky friend. I don't mean to be and I definitely don't want to be. I just find myself being a total flake lately. Not cool! lol

  2. Love this post! It's clever, so true and funny :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a great post! I have friends that fit into each catigory!

  5. I love this!! I felt the same way.. that all my friends had to be everything all at once. Maybe I'm the needy friend? ;)

  6. I love this!! I felt the same way.. that all my friends had to be everything all at once. Maybe I'm the needy friend? ;)

  7. I love this!! I felt the same way.. that all my friends had to be everything all at once. Maybe I'm the needy friend? ;)

  8. I mentally matched a friend to each of these categories! Lol.

    I am the silver lining friend definitely. One of my friends could come to me crying saying her house has burnt down and I would smile and tell her to look on the bright side, that at least she will get a new wardrobe of clothes from the insurance lol. I have even been told I am annoyingly upbeat before haha.

    Janine xx

  9. Great post! I have several friends in many catagories, and my BFF is the ride or die friend. Oh the stories we have!

  10. I definitely have a few of these!

  11. haha - I love your PS! I've been the long-distance friend for a few years, but now that I'm back I'm excited to try out a few of the other types :)

  12. ohmygosh, this is so funny! and so accurate! ;)

    <3, Mimi

  13. Loved this...It's true...I've got a friend for most of these....me? Well, I am the friend in the moment..I can be almost any depending on who I am with...well except the jealous, bitchy, broke, loud mouth, slutty friend. ha! Great post!

  14. Great list! I think I have friends in all of these categories!

    Don't forget the one-upper friend. I have a friend, I love her, but anytime I say 'oh I like that' or 'I'd like to get one of ___ I just can't find the right one', she's th first one to say 'oh look what I just got!'

  15. Haha I love the PS. I totally know a few "friends" that would assume the worst. I think we can all fall into several categories. I am an online friend to some, a childhood friend to others, ride or die, and quite motherly at times. Different people bring out different sides and that makes me happy. This is a great way to think about it!

  16. how great is this?
    thanks for visiting me- it's so great to meet ya here! i'm hanging out and loving your blog!

  17. Definitely have friends in most of these categories!!

  18. I actually agree with this! Truly, we have a lot of different friends that served different purposes in our lives. I remember a friend of mine which I consider my motherly friend, he's making a 365 list of friends where he jot down his friends and what kind of friend he/she is :)



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