look around.

I think Jared and I take living in Hawaii for granted. We've experienced a lot here but in my opinion, it's not nearly enough. It's still so weird that we live here. I literally have to say to myself some days "YOU LIVE IN HAWAII"..because I think I forget. I never in a million years would have imagined myself a) living in Hawaii and b) living in Hawaii with my HUSBAND! Yea, the husband part is still crazy to me too.

Anyway, when Saturday morning rolled around, Jared and I were having our usual "what are we going to do today?" conversation. I'm so indecisive so this conversation usually lasts for over an hour and consists of us going back and forth with different options. Annoying, I know. It annoys ME so I can only imagine how Jared feels. Thank God he loves me. So, back to the story- we decided to act like tourists for the day. We walked around the city, took pictures, grabbed a snack at a local gem, had lunch on the water (at a touristy place that is way overpriced) and drank island drinks with little umbrellas.
view from lunch
we ate at a restaurant named after our dog. obviously.
I had to take a picture of the street that was named after our dog... obviously.
Jared took his umbrella out of his drink before I took this picture. It was pink so I guess he thought it ruined his image. Haha! He wants to go back to buy this glass.. we call it the Pimp Cup.
Yep, it was pretty awesome. We need more of those days. Like maybe every weekend. :)

Look around guys. I bet you'll see that life is pretty amazing.



  1. Wow.... looks like a fun day! I can totally relate to this... my husband and I moved to Victoria, BC 3 years ago, and while it isn't Hawaii (though about as close as you can get in Canada!) I sometimes take a look around and go woah! How lucky am I?

    Thanks for sharing! ~Stephanie

  2. I just cannot get over how you live in hawaii. that is amazing! My husband and I were just talking the other day that when he is finished with medical school we are taking a trip there, and I cannot wait :)

  3. That sounds so fun!!! I love playing tourist! Dukes is so good! Im just in love w Hawaii! Xx Kelly

  4. just discovered your blog and I love it!
    I'm your newest follower - hope you can check mine out as well! xo


  5. Playing tourist is something everyone should do in their own town/city! I lived in NYC for 7 years and didn't do all of the tourist things I should have and I always regret it!

  6. You live in Hawaii. JEALOUS. But playing tourist is a must, especially in such an amazing, beautiful place!


  7. New follower from the GFC blog hop! Looking forward to following along! :)

  8. Hi, new follower here. I am so excited you love in Hawaii. We are actually in the midst of moving there. You're right about enjoying it while we can. I am so excited!

  9. You are so right, it is amazing! And so is Hawaii, can you believe they named all those things after YOUR dog? They must be so happy you are there.


  10. I live in Kansas and I imagine living in Hawaii would be amazing.

  11. I've been to Duke's in Oahu! lol. joining in from the blog hop!

  12. We've been to Hawaii a few times, and I definitely don't think I could ever get enough! The weather is perfect, the beaches are perfect....shoot, what isn't perfect! Well the 8 hr flight isn't perfect! That's about it though! That's so awesome that you LIVE there! SAAAWEEEEEET!

    Soak up some extra sun for me! (but not too much!)
    xo Kayla

  13. Looks like so much fun! I lived in San Diego for many years, and it was always fun to do "touristy" things in your own city!

  14. I think a day like tourists is just what you guys needed! :) Sounds like it was a great day!



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