a camera and a promise


Most of you probably know by now that I'm obsessed with pictures. Or taking pictures. Or probably both.
I have over 200 photo albums on my personal Facebook page, over 900 photos on Instagram, and am always running out of memory space on my iPhone and digital camera. 
The quote above describes exactly why I love pictures so much.

So anyway, although I love photography, I don't know anything about it. I really need to take a class or something. But besides that, it seems like everyone is getting a new camera (like her and her and her) recently. And not just a new one, but a better one. A professional camera. -- And maybe they aren't actually professional cameras but I pretty much call any camera that takes high quality pictures "professional".
I've been dying for one. I mean really it's been on my wishlist for years now and since I've started blogging, it's become more evident to me that I do want need one! i can't even believe I've gone this long without one..
I'm not sure what's stopping me.. if it's the price tag on most of them, if it's because I'm intimidated, or maybe I just don't have any clue which camera I should buy. (It's probably all of the above.) 
Don't get me wrong, I love my little Canon snap and shoot camera and my iPhone 4 gets the job done when I'm on the run. I just get so disappointed when I see what would be a great photo turn into a crappy photo because of a low quality camera.

Then I saw this post and realized that it was a perfect idea. Caitlyn at Little Petrie promised herself that she would purchase a Canon D500 for herself once she reached 2,000 GFC followers on her blog (which by the way.. you should go follow her now). Pretty cool, right?
So here I go...

I promise that I will purchase a _____________ camera when I reach 1,000 GFC followers.

I need your help filling the blank though! Like I said above, I don't know anything about cameras! Which one is best? Which one is best for a beginner? How much should I plan on paying for one? Where's the best place to buy from? Any tips? Help!
I obviously have a lot of research to do but I figured asking my fellow bloggers would be the best place to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, and I'm about 500 followers away... (eeek!!)

P.S. Check out this post for some great giveaways! And don't forget to join the GFC Blog Hop!



  1. Getting a new camera is so exciting! I just got the Nikon D3100 and am IN LOVE -- what made me choose that one over the similar Canon model is that the Nikon takes HD video too :)

    Whichever camera you decide on, I would suggest buying it from a mom and pop type place (or smaller chain than best buy/Amazon/etc)...lots of times they come with fun benefits. For example, mine came with a years worth of free lens rentals!


  2. This is such a perfect post because l am in a similar position.

  3. This is such a perfect post because l am in a similar position.

  4. Ah I need a new camera too...I am in the same position though, I have no idea what kind to get, so many choices & I want to make sure I get a good one!!

    <3 Melissa

  5. I am a Nikon girl through and through! The lenses are more expensive, it's true, but they still have the best image processors of any DSLR out there. I find them really intuitive to use, which takes some of the scary out of the equation!

  6. I am a canon chicky and I have had my little rebel for about 4 years - still true love. it is the perfect camera for the far from beginner yet still not professional. You can buy different lenses and attach different flashes same as one of the Canon/Nikon D series, its just a price level down. It is also large enough to make me feel all professional and skillful, but small enough that I can use a hip purse as a camera bag when I'm on the go and don't want my big clunky one!! Long story short - go for it!


  7. Hi Jessica! I'm a new follower from the GFC hop. I think making that your goal is a great idea. I would like a Canon D50 but I can't stomach the price tag at the moment. I have a Rebel XS which is a lot more reasonable and it has been a great camera to learn on because I had no idea what I was doing when I got it. I plan to upgrade in a couple of years but my trusty little rebel will do for now.

  8. How am I just now stumbling across your blog?


  9. Every fur mom needs a great camera to take adorable pictures of her doggies! :)
    My first (and current) DSLR is a Nikon D5000. I've heard that it's great for beginners and I'd have to agree with that! It's very user-friendly and it's on the less-expensive side of the DSLR range (but takes great pictures, I think! Nearly all the photos on my blog are from this camera.) I would expect to pay around $1000-1500 to begin with (and then later, you'll find yourself wanting to shell out more and more for new lenses and accessories, HA!).
    And learn as much about your camera as you can! I've had mine three years and I still learn sweet new tips for it. Definitely get comfy shooting in Manual mode instead of Auto so you get the most bang for your buck! :)

  10. I too would LOVE a new camera! I have a very (old) basic point and shoot kodak...I have had my eye on the Canon Rebel. I think purchasing at Costco is a great idea, because they usually come with an awesome package deal :)

    Pretty Living

  11. Be sure to let us know what you decide on! I, too, need to find a great goal-camera to work toward!



  12. Oh yay yay yay yay! My Nikon d3100 dslr is seriously my baby. Best investment I made. I took it to Italy, loved it, and now at I really know how to use it, it is just amazing. Words cannot express how happy I feel when I snap an amazing picture with it. I highly recommend :)

  13. First off I will start out by saying that Canon and Nikon are the best two brands out there but both are equally amazing. You will have a lot of people tell you that one or the other is better but the honest truth is that they are equal. With each new model, they one up each other so they stay equally as amazing. It is basically about personal preference.

    As far as which camera to get, it depends on whether or not you plan to continue to get more lenses and maybe even another camera in the future. I shoot Canon and I started out with a Rebel Xsi. It was a great camera but since I am a professional photographer and wanted to upgrade quickly, I wish I would have started with a 40D or 50D, which has more lenses that are interchangeable with the camera I have now, a 5D. I would definitely research the type of lenses you will want to make sure that they are compatible with the camera body you will be getting.

    Most Rebels (which are great first dslr cameras and great cameras for hobbyists) come with a lens kit. An EF-S 18-55 comes in a lot of kits with Rebels along with a bag, a battery, and a filter. It is definitely a good set up to get you started.

    I shoot weddings, portraits, and boudoir with a Mark II 5D and while I use multiple lenses, I find that my 50mm stays on my camera more than any other lens. I just can't get enough of it!

    As far as where to buy it, you also have a number of options. Local shops are great because you will get to know the people who work there are they actually can answer questions about what you are buying. Another option is online in which case I would suggest BHphotovideo.com. A third option is a chain such as Best Buy or Target. While I personally prefer to shop at local stores, I would be lying if I didn't tell you that Best Buy will often have better deals. When you chose the camera that you want, look at all three options.

    Hope this has helped a bit. The decision to get my dslr was one of the best I have ever made in my life. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help!

  14. Get a Canon 60D. It's a step up from the Rebels and D600s etc. Mark ii 5D is wayyy too expensive to start off with. But buy the body only. The kit lens(the lens most cameras comes with) is not good at all. So get body only and buy a Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Standard Lens. This is the go-to lens for most portrait/wedding/family photographers. Please google and read the articles and watch the review videos on youtube. Remember, spending $200 more is worth it with a dslr...cos for someone who has a creative flair and takes a lot of great pics...u will soon be bored of the Rebels and D500/550/600/1100s. The D60 is a step up and once you have a grip on one lens then you can go get others to suit you. :) p.s don't get the extended warranty - it's not worth it. You will be fine.

  15. I also have a Canon camera and I totally like it and its quality, but my friend is a professional photographer and graphic designer and she only goes with her Nikon. She says it makes the best high quality pictures. I do not know which exact model she has, but I can ask her if you wanna know.

    I most of all like to take pictures of the nature and landscapes or simply snapshots. These pictures are so much more real, then when someone looks smiling into a camera. I love to take a brief moment and let it last forever in one picture.

    Great blog post!!

  16. Good for you for taking the plunge! I also went years without a DSLR and reaalllly really wanted one. I finally bought a Nikon D5000 about 2 years ago, and I love it. It certainly can be overwhelming, but if you want to learn the ins and outs of it, you definitely can. I've taken two online classes through Alt Summit that have been great at covering the basics. And they were only $15 a piece! You may want to rent a few different cameras to find out what you really want before you spend the money. I budgeted $1,000 for my first DSLR, and I ended up spending $1,100. This is because I purchased an additional lense though. If you have any questions or need any advice, please let me know! I'd be more than happy to help! :)

  17. The Nikon D3100 is GREAT for DSLR newbies :) That's what I have and I think it's a really good one to start out with. If you buy it at Costco you get a few extras too!

  18. The Nikon D3100 is GREAT for DSLR newbies :) That's what I have and I think it's a really good one to start out with. If you buy it at Costco you get a few extras too!

  19. Love that quote. We recently bought a Canon Rebel T3i and love it!

  20. I think the Canon Rebel t2i or t3i is a perfect beginner camera because it takes great shots and it is easy to work with and to learn manual on! I am still learning on it but I am thinking of upgrading to a 60d or 7d in a few months.

  21. GREAT goal!!
    New follower from the hop! Thanks for co-hosting!

  22. I found your blog through the GFC blog hop and as a new follower started reading through your posts. A for help filling in your blank: Canon DSLR all the way! Most camera bodies are similar, you'll be making your investment in lenses more than anything. Canon lenses are just as good as Nikon, but a lot cheaper due to the difference in construction.

    I have a Canon T2i and I love it! Definitely a great beginner's camera for new DSLR users too and more friendly to your wallet.

    Hope that helps!

  23. Agreed. A Canon is definitely the way 2 go. Yep!

    Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

  24. Alright. One more GFC. I'm all for people buying new cameras. They're just too much fun not to :)

  25. Hi, I'm your newest follower from GFC Blog Hop on the Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife. I hope you can stop by and follow me back. http://TodaywiththeTennerys.blogspot.com

  26. We recently bought a Canon Rebel and it's great! I finally got another lens to play around with.


    Stop by my blog if you have a chance :)

  27. Yay for new cameras! I love my Canon 7D. It is a great camera with a pretty good price. If you are going to go all out I would suggest the 5D, but if you are just looking for a decent DSLR, I would say the Rebel would be just fine.
    I started out with the Rebel and it was a nice beginners camera.


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