disconnect to reconnect

I've been in kind of a writing funk lately.. and maybe just a funk in general. I couldn't figure out why and then it kinda hit me.. I've been spending so much time on this little ol' blog that I think I may be forgetting to live. You know, the kind of living that does not involve a laptop or an iPhone... does that kind of living exist anymore?.. and how can I expect to have anything to write about if I'm not experiencing anything? and although I'm seeing great results on my blog, those results aren't the same in real life. When I'm not working, I'm blogging. When I'm not blogging, I'm working.
I've noticed recently that most of the time that my husband and I are home together, he's playing video games and I'm on the computer. We could be in the same room but not speak for hours..It was never like that before. And I don't want it to continue to be that way. Saying that out loud (or typing it) makes me realize that maybe it's a bigger issue than I even thought.

I started this blog as kind of a virtual scrapbook to collect and share my thoughts, obsessions, photos, etc... Not to gain a million followers. Not so that it could take over my life.

Don't get me wrong- I love blogging. I love what I've learned about myself. I love the amazing connections that I've made. And yes, obviously everyone wants a million followers (let's be real). I'm just saying that's not why I blog. Because let's face it guys, I have blog friends who I love, but I also have real life friends, and a husband, and a sweet puppy. And real life comes first.

I'm going to try to disconnect so that I can reconnect.

I could write a big(ger) long(er) post here, but Kim has already said everything (else) I want to say and feel.



  1. Thanks for sharing this Jessica....Hey random blog tip question, but how did you put the fbook plug in at the bottom of your post?

  2. I agree! I am going on vacation next week and I won't be going on the internet even one time! No Facebook, no blogging, no email. It is going to be EXCELLENT. I am soooo excited.

  3. Amen to that. Since my husband is deployed, it's natural that I spend all my free time on or near the computer simply because I don't have anyone in my house to interact with. This will have to change eventually, but I need that connection right now!

  4. So much truth. I just got back from a week of no internet and I did not miss it as much as I thought I would and have not been obsessed with it since I've returned home.

  5. my manfriend and I have a similar thing going on - I"m blogging while he is playing games and we just don't interact. weird.

  6. You are so right, there needs to be a balance. When your hobby takes up as much time as your job and leaves no time for your family, then it's too much. I am proud of you for realizing this!

    Stay cool!!

  7. You are wonderful! Well put my friend! I hope you find some time to relax and reconnect with the real world...it's very easy to lose sight of those things that are always there everyday no matter what. :)


  8. nicely put jessica! I really feel like that too sometimes. The blog is a lot of fun but I know what you mean all too well. All I think about at work is blogging. What emails are coming in, what do my sponsors need from me, what I need to post about...whew it can become too much. Then you start having blogger guilt about not posting enough. girl- it is summer... everyone needs a break!

  9. Are you reading my mind? I think were having some telepathy mind reading thing going on =)

  10. Hi. New follower here from the Aloha Friday blog hop. I can so relate to everything you wrote. I've started to cut back posting to a few times a week. I'm slowly weaning myself from other stuff like Twitter and other social networking sites as well. My blog is about my life...my life is not about my blog. So I feel the need to get out and live. Hope you'll visit and follow me back :)


  11. totally on the same page as you...i miss my life. haha

  12. I know what you mean! I made the mistake of committing to blogging 6 days a week and after almost a month of it, I'm just feeling a little burnt out. I'm going to stop focusing on the reader count and more on doing things that are worth blogging about! :) Glad to know other bloggers experience it too.


  13. Hi Jessica, I just came across your post which expresses the very sensations I've been experiencing lately. I am your newest follower and if you like I hope you'll follow me back. With love, Coco


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