10 trends to look for in 2013

According to Lucky Magazine's article, "10 Trends We Can't Wait to Wear in 2013", these will be 2013's hottest trends. Here's what I think..

stripes trend 2013

1. Bold Stripes. The black and white version is a little too jailbird-ish to me, but vertical stripes can be slimming-- and I'm all for that.

ruffles trend 2013

2. Romantic Ruffles. Lucky referred to this trend as "feline, flirty, and frilly". I personally refer to ruffles as annoying.

blazers trend 2013

3. The New Le Smoking. Clearly I'm not a fashion expert because I had no idea what the hell "le smoking" referred to. For those of you who don't know, here you go. Anyway, hasn't this been trendy for a while now? I love blazers! 

flats trend 2013

4. Fancy Flats. Oh I am SO excited about this one! I think I've been rocking this one since 2008-ish even if it wasn't stylish. Stilettos may be sexier but flats definitely win when it comes to comfort.

drop waist dress trend 2013

5. The Drop-Waist Dress. I'm a bit pissed off about this one. It's meant for incredibly tiny stick-figure-ish people unless you wear a baggy version... which looks like a potato sack.

sunglasses trend 2013

6. Crazy Shades. I've already seen some of this out and about.. and I just can't take it seriously. Someone tell me.. Is this a joke?

chokers trend 2013

7. Chokers. I'm pretty excited about this one. I rocked chokers in the '90's and now that I've got a bit more style sense under my belt, I'm excited to do it again!

color leather trend 2013

8. Bright Leather. This one can get a bit tricky in my opinion. And expensive. If real leather isn't used, it's likely that you'll end up looking like you're dressed in a cheap costume. Fashionistas, beware.

budoir trend 2013

9. Boudoir Beautiful. Think 50 Shades of Grey.. on the runway. This sexy look has been around for forever and you may see it around even more in 2013.

bermudas trend 2013

10. Baggy Bermudas. Whether you like the look of these boyish shorts or not, you have to admit that they sure do look comfy. Think boyfriend jeans.. but shorts.

So what do you think? Which of these trends will you try next year? 



  1. Oh god idk about too many of these. As a pear shaped lady the drop waste and leather and Bermudas do nada for me. I do love the bordouir and the flats though!

  2. Lol I used to wear those "tattoo" chokers when I was younger ... one size fits all :)

  3. i am loving the romantic ruffles! :D

    <3, Mimi

  4. I'm loving the flats! The others are kind of eh for me.

  5. Oh I'm not sure I could pull off any of these! Maybe I'll give the ruffles a try...and I do love flats...and sunglasses. I guess we'll have to see!

  6. This post is amazing, I will really have to keep a look out for all of these trends in 2013!

    Sparkles and Shoes
    500 Follower Kate Spade Giveaway

  7. Since I don't feel compelled to be first out of the starting gate, I think I'll wait and see how these trends play themselves out. I can see myself wearing a "le smoking" jacket, but then again, I'm old enough to have done it the 1st go round, and I have a rule against that! (been there, done that...don't do it again!)

  8. I didn't know what Le Smoking was either - thank you for the link! I'm loving the bold stripes and bright leather!

  9. Hahaha "I'm a little bit pissed about this one..."

    I like most of them, great recap as I haven't seen this anywhere else.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. "I personally refer to ruffles as annoying" LOLOLOLOL perfect.


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