12 days of giveaways: firmoo [closed]


Firmoo is an online shop that specializes in high end eyeglasses. There are new designs and styles created everyday to suit the needs of their consumers. The best thing about Firmoo is that it provides a free pair of eyeglasses to every first time customer. To get yours, simply click here

Since it's a season of sharing, Firmoo is giving away gift codes to lucky individuals. 3 winners will receive the following:
1st winner: $200 worth of gift codes
2nd winner: $150 worth of gift codes
3rd winner: $150 worth of gift codes

The giveaway is open worldwide. It will end on December 18, 2012. Prizes are not convertible to cash. Enter the rafflecopter widget below for a chance to win one of the prizes.

Hosted by: I Heart Giveaways

Disclosure: Jessica Who? is not responsible for the delivery, shipment, and execution of these prizes.



  1. With a little one I feel like my glasses are always getting broken!

  2. I would definitely spend some on myself, but I know other girls who love Firmoo - so I would share the love <3

  3. I'd love to win this because I don't even have a decent pair of sunshades right now! It's about time I replace those broken wayfarers...

  4. I'm in need of an upgrade and would love to use glasses as an accessory :)

  5. I would love some new glasses... my current ones are hurting my head haha
    x Hilary
    hilary . l . adams @ gmail . com

  6. Because I am a BROKE college student and want to get my gf a present for xmas!

  7. I'd love to win this for my mom:)

    Shandi Naugle

  8. Beacause i never have enough glasses :D

  9. I love glasses!!Ant the prize is very generous!!Thank you Jessica and Firmoo!!


  10. i love firmoo - i just want them all!

  11. I could really use a new pair of glasses!

  12. I could desperately use some new glasses! My prescription needs the thick lenses so even though they're still fairly inexpensive the cost racks up quickly!

  13. I want to win bcuz my glasses broke & i have to use my backup glasses which i dont like much. And i cant spend anything right now as i am saving for college.

  14. I'd love to win because I'm in desperate need of new glasses! This is great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. I`d like to win because I need new glasses

  16. I want to win because it's just so fun to win things! It's like Christmas morning!

  17. Because I need a new pair of glasses so bad! Mine are like 10 years old, lol

  18. I'd love to be able to get my mom some new glasses!

  19. I'm in need of glasses. The complete my daily look. I feel naked without them. X3

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