CALLING ALL BLOGGERS - This giveaway's for you!

Have you been looking for blog advice but don't know where exactly you should be looking?
Are you a brand new blogger just starting out and find yourself needing some guidance?
Has blogging been a part of your life for a while but you'd like a little help in where to turn to next?
Do you simply just want to grow your blog?

Well then you've come to the right place!
Erin rounded up a group of ladies who have been around the ballpark a time or two when it comes to blogging in order to put this one of a kind giveaway together. We all have some tips, tricks, advice, and guidance that we'd love to shell out in order to help you grow into the best blogger you can be. Whether this be through a Skype session, a back and forth email exchange, a blog critique, a Q&A session, a phone call, a personal jet to pick you up for a private meeting, etc - we're covering all the bases. And let me just say that I am SO HONORED to be included in this kick ass group of girls!

All you need to do to enter is check out the participating bloggers, see what awesome package they're offering as a prize, and get to entering the Rafflecopter. And the best part about this giveaway?


Each randomly selected winner will be paired up with three of the participating bloggers as well as with me.
Therefore each winner will receive four separate blog advice prizes! We're splitting up the prizes so that one winner isn't bombarded with sixteen different sets of opinions and sixteen different sets of ideas on advice. Because that might get a little chaotic and like they say..."nobody got time for that".

Are you excited? We hope so because we certainly are! Let's get this thing started shall we?
Without further adieu, here are the sixteen ladies who have teamed up to put together the "Blog Advice Giveaway".

Erin at Two Thirds Hazel
What you'll win: Each of the five winners will be able to email Erin at any point until the end of eternity (like farther than to infinity and beyond) to ask questions and seek advice.Two Thirds Hazel

Brandi at Mama Laughlin
Brandi is offering a phone call or email where you will receive tips from her
on how to grow your blog using the social media form of Pinterest.mama laughlin
You will receive a back and forth Q&A session with Ashley via email 
providing you with the answers you've been looking for on anything blog related.the shine project

Mandy at House of Rose
Your blog will be reviewed by Mandy (and her husband!) via recorded screen capture video 
and then they will offer tips on how you can improve. 
Check out an example of this one of a kind opportunity here.
Erin is offering a one hour blogging consultation (done via video chat or phone call)
which will provide you with Q&A, tips and advice.
living in yellow

Whitney at I Wore Yoga Pants
Whitney will provide you with a back and forth Q&A session
giving you the answers you've been looking for on anything blog related.i wore yoga pants to work
"Prefer the phone? Let's chat! What about a fun Skype session? Sure! 
Or a good ole email is fine by me too! 
Sky is the limit. Well, I guess in this case-technology is. 
I will take a thorough look at your blog and do my best to answer any questions!"keep calm and carry on
You will receive a Q&A session via email. 
Anything you ask, Raven will detail!
dont quote the raven

Aunie at Aunie Sauce
You will receive a Q&A email session with advice catered to your blog
providing you with a ton of advice and numerous tips to help you grow.aunie sauce

Taylor at The Daily Tay
Taylor will visit and review your blog, providing you with an email containing
advice customary to you and your blog.
the daily tay

Stephanie at Beautiful Mess
Receive a three-post editing session:
Pick three of your upcoming blog posts. Send your drafts to Stephanie for her to proofread, 
edit and make suggestions as to how you can easily make your writing more personable, 
appealing, humorous and overall, just more fun to read!
beautiful mess
Shanna will answer your top five questions whether this be anything from 
sponsorships, social media, tips to grow and/or how to monetize your blog.because shanna said so

Niki at Glossy Blonde
Two weeks of email consulting during which Niki will answer any questions 
you have about blogging and/or building your brand.
glossy blonde

Chelsea at Olive and Ivy
An email with personalized advice and tips catered directly to your blog, 
or a Skype session, or a back and forth Q&A session, etc. Whichever you prefer! 
If you are unsure of what to ask a blog critique can also be given.olive and ivy

Jessica at Jessica Who
 With Jessica you will receive a Q&A session via unlimited emails.
Yes, you read that right...unlimited!
jessica who

Michelle at The Vintage Apple
You will receive a back and forth Q&A session with Michelle via email 
providing you with the answers you've been looking for on anything blog related 
so that you have the knowledge and tools to grow.the vintage apple

Now go enter your heart out!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab button for Two Thirds Hazel

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Feeling lucky? Enter these giveaways too!


  1. Thank you so much for being a part of this!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  2. Amazing idea, best giveaway idea I've heard of yet! Really hoping to win!

    Sarah @ Life As Always

  3. I'm SO excited about this giveaway! Fingers crossed I win!

  4. I stumbled across your blog at Mamma Laughlin's and already am loving the witty sarcasm :D and this give away is awesome!

  5. I'm so excited about this giveaway! It's so unique:)

  6. So excited! What a great giveaway!

  7. I am absolutely stoked about having a chance to win this!

  8. I know there's been a little drama about this around the web the past few days -- but personally, as a small blogger, I think this is a great idea!!

  9. Such a great idea! Hope I win!!!

  10. Such an amazing giveaway. You girls are wonderful. Thanks for giving me the chance to win the best prize I could ask for.

  11. Very neat and creative giveaway!


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