A Collection of Friends

I went to Church this weekend for the first time in over a year. I'm embarrassed to admit that but I am so so grateful that I went. But the subject of my faith is going to be saved for a different post. Today I want to talk about the sermon I heard. The message was spot on. Like it was meant for me to hear. Doesn't it always seem to happen that way? It's like God is saying "Hey look! Jessica finally decided to show up! I better make this service a good one!". Ok he probably doesn't say that, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, the sermon was part of a series called Matters of the Heart. And this weekend's topic was the "office" or role of a friend.

While many of us collect material things like books, baseball cards, and t-shirts, one man says he "collects friends". Isn't that a cool concept? If you collected friends throughout your life do you think you would live fuller, richer, happier?
ralph waldo emerson

Everyone in our life has a certain position/ role/ title.. whatever you want to call it. You have coworkers, bosses, moms, dads, siblings, presidents, police officers, doctors, etc. And one of the most important roles is a friend. And not just any friends, but the ones who will pick you up when you fall, steer you in the right direction, slap you when you need a reality check, tell you NO when you really want to hear YES, and most importantly, the kind of friends who will lead you to God. And if you're not religious, let's just say the kind of friends who will help you decide right from wrong.

All of us NEED these friends. And according to today's message, we should all have a band of at least FOUR friends that can do the things I named above. Why? Because "we are all one step away from stupid" and it's the people that we surround ourselves with that will help determine which steps we take.

"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." - Proverbs 13:20

I am lucky enough to have a handful of really amazing friends back home in Texas. And I don't just mean that they are amazing friends, but they are amazing people with great character. People who I am proud to even know. I've realized though that although they are still my great friends, like any long distance relationship, it's hard to keep a strong bond. And it's important for me, and for anyone, to have a support system not only emotionally but physically too. 
The Friendless American Male

These aren't just friends that you call up for a good time. So how do you identify them? Ask yourself these questions:

+ Who shares the same faith/ belief in a higher power as you do?
+ Who will bail you out of jail?
+ Who will visit you at the hospital when you're sick?
+ Who will be crying at your funeral?
+ When you're feeling weak in your marriage, who will push you to try harder?
+ When you fail in your career who will encourage you to try again?
+ When you have goals and dreams, who will back you up?
+ When you're headed down the wrong path (substance abuse, adultery, divorce, depression --- pick your poison) who will literally pick you up, shove you in their car, and drive you to where you need to be? (and slap you a few times if that's needed)
+ Who knows you well enough to know the difference between "I'm doing fine." and "I'm doing fine."?
+ Who actually cares about YOU?

Ok so some of those are a little extreme, but do you get the picture? Can you name four people who fit the criteria? Name them. Write them down. And then look at the names. Are you sure? If you can't list four names, then start working on those relationships NOW.

Thank God that one of the names on my list is a person who lives on this island. Seriously, thank God! Like the pastor said, we're all just one step away from stupid. And I don't know about you guys, but I need all the help I can get to NOT make that stupid step.

true friendship quote
people who are going to life you higher
Sorry about the quote overload but I couldn't pick just one!

I hope that you all can make your list with confidence. And if not, that's ok too, but I hope that you work on it. No one can get through this crazy ride of life alone.

And to my friends, I hope you know who you are, thank you thank you thank you.

P.S. You can check out the June 8/9 sermon that I am referencing from New Hope Church here.


  1. As an adult, making new friendships is so much harder than it once was when we were children!! Definitely something Ive noticed lately that I need to work on more! Love this!

  2. Love this post, it's so true! Those strong friendships are SO important!


  3. I really like this post and totally agree with you!! Friendship is everything!


  4. Great post!! So true. I do not know where I would be without friends. You are the company you keep!


  5. Yes! And Ashley is right! It is definitely hard - thank God none of us have "arrived" and we can all work on improving our lives.


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