halloween and other things

First off- I went to send my love and prayers to the east coast!
You may not know that I lived in NYC for a short time in 2009 so I have a good amount of friends up there. Some of them were severely impacted by Hurricane Sandy. I encourage all of you to reach out to someone you know on the east coast, even if it's just a text sending love. You'd be surprised about the impact it can make.
BTW- TODAY ONLY (11/2) BaubleBar is donating 100% of the profits from these stud earrings to a Sandy relief fund. I got them in black!

Highlight of my Halloween: the card (by Julie Ann Art) I gave to my boo
So remember this post about my last minute Halloween costume ideas and then this post in response to some negative feedback about it? Well those of you that were really against me wearing one of those tees must have wished really hard on a really bright star because your wish came true. 
Fate was not on my side this Halloween.
We had big Halloween plans for Saturday night but Hawaii was struck with a big tsunami scare. I mean evacuate-and-fill-your-pantry-with-non-perishable-items type of scare. So we decided to skip out on roaming the streets with crazies and didn't get to dress up! I ended up doing this instead..

Luckily, the tsunami didn't hit (or wasn't as big as expected). We are safe and sound and Hawaii is still paradise. 
We figured that we would just do something fun on Wednesday, 10/31. 
But, no. You people must have wished really really hard. I woke up Monday morning with a cold. A nasty one. My voice was scratchy and I couldn't be seen without a tissue in hand for the majority of the week. This is also why I've been MIA from the blog and other social media spots for the majority of the week. My bad.
I made the decision to stay in like a responsible adult (I hate when I act like one of those) to try to restore my health.
So all of that craziness about my Halloween costume ended up being for nothing. You non-curse-word-users won this one but I shall be back again.

But seriously, I wanted to thank all of you for your honest feedback about curse words + blogging. Your comments were so fun to read. Most of them made me laugh out loud and a lot of them made me feel more confident about myself and what I choose to post. I'm often hesitant to post certain things on this little blog because of a fear that I'll either offend someone or turn someone off. But like so many of you reminded me- this blog was started for ME. Do you know where the word "blog" comes from? It's short for web+log. It's a way to log your thoughts on the web. An online diary. 
I think so many of us (including myself) get lost in the numbers of followers and page views so much that we lose our identities. What good is this blog if it's not honest and authentic? Isn't that why you read it?

Thanks for being YOU. I like you that way and I hope that's how you like me.



  1. Ummmm you forgot to mention you came to see an awesome Zombie who served you a magical strawberry margarita that cured your cold!!! :P Jk, so glad you feel better.. and I absolutely LOVE that photo. Props to Jared for capturing that haha! Love you! Xoxo

  2. Nice card! Remember when I told you I love saying "bad" words...well I still do. Today I had a post about things I just can't stand that are popular right now and I worried a lot that it would ruin my relationships with bloggers I was close to. But you know what, people disagree and if they can't handle my opinion than too fucking bad!

  3. Sorry your Halloween plans didn't work out. Hope you get well soon. You are right, the blog is for you and you should say what you want.

  4. It's true... Blogs evolved from the online journal movement in the late 1990s (of which I'm quite proud to say I was a part of) and in those early days, the subject matter was often more personal oriented. I could give you a whole history... but I don't want to clog up your comments. ;)

  5. Thanks so much for thinking of all of us on the East Coast! I'm from MA, and here didn't get it nearly as bad as NY & NJ but my boyfriend is from NJ (closer to NY) but also goes to the shore every summer. It's CRAZY the stories I'm hearing from him & his brother (who still lives there) about what is going on there.

    His brother was also trying to get gas yesterday and drove miles and miles and miles only have them run out. His wife had to come get him in their other car since he was so far away!

  6. that card is amazing!! haha love it! and glad you are safe

  7. that card is amazing!! haha love it! and glad you are safe

  8. I hope you feel better soon! I had a bug a couple weeks ago and there is little worse than a runny nose!
    I love your blog, curse words or not, it makes it more real and we all know none of us are proper all the time!

    PS: cute card thehe.

  9. I hope you feel better soon! I had a bug a couple weeks ago and there is little worse than a runny nose!
    I love your blog, curse words or not, it makes it more real and we all know none of us are proper all the time!

    PS: cute card thehe.

  10. I am now following you. I hope you will follow back :)

  11. Hope you are feeling better! That last picture is so adorable. :)



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