girl on a mission

Well hello there lovely faces!

First of all, I wanted to thank Jessica for having me on this wonderful blog of hers.
I KNOW I am not the only person who is suuuuuuuuuuuuper jealous of the fact that this chick lives in Hawaii!!!!!!!
Seriously, ANYTIME you want me to come visit I'm soooo down!
Now, let's get to me...

Well truth be told, I'm fat. Got your attention now? [Don't let that picture deceive you] I'm also outspoken, silly, outgoing, optimistic, loving, funny, addicted to music and dancing and a 26 year old hopeless romantic. But enough about me, we're here to talk shop, er... BLOG!

I started this little blog of mine to keep track of my weight loss, hold myself accountable and try to inspire someone else. It has now evolved to involving my life, loves, friends, and crazy personality. Sometimes I get suuuuuper personal and sometimes it's super light and fluffy.
I hope that I can can make you laugh, cry [happy tears]dance, roll your eyes, or sing then that's a bonus!! I truly am here to ask you to read my blog, subscribe, draw inspiration, change your life, or share it with someone who needs the motivation or a push to change their life. Sooo why not come check it out?
I dare you 

Also, I am currently offering ad spaces at 50% off! All Medium, Large, XLarge, and XXXLarge spaces. EVEN BOOKED ONES!
Take advantage with code: Giveaway

Am I the only one who thinks Katie is a badass?? Show her some love!



  1. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm your newest follower! I'm excited to get to know you and read your posts. I'm also on a similar mission as you! It isn't easy, but nice when you start seeing results!

  2. love finding new blogs and new voices, checking you out now!

  3. just found her blog and yours too! i'm a no-reply, so stop by instead if you'd like to comment. :)

  4. Thanks Katie for being inspiration! I am on the same mission!


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