an apple a day.. [giveaway closed]

..keeps the doctor away! 
Which is why I keep my Apple iPhone on me all the time ;) (excuse my cheesy jokes)
But really, what a perfect word to incorporate into a brand- like Shabby Apple
If you're a blogger, I know you've heard of them. They are blowing up in the blogging/ fashion world and rightfully so.
Take a look at some of my favorite picks from their online shop:

Gorgeous! I'm loving their vintage styles. And if you're anything like me, you've entered a million giveaways trying to earn a credit to their shop so you can make your closet happy and keep your wallet happy too!
Well, lucky you, I've teamed up with Shabby Apple to bring my readers a giveaway!
Oh and did I mention that they have shoes too?

Not too shabby, huh? (I know I know, my cheesiness is out of control today.)

So what are you waiting for?! 
Enter to win a $50 credit to Shabby Apple using the Rafflecopter below.
Can't wait 'till then? Lucky us! Shabby Apple has also offered a special 10% discount to our readers!
Enter promo code jessicawho10off at checkout. 
Offer is valid until the end of this month.

Good luck!


  1. My favorite item has to be the lacy Confidential dress! It's so pretty and classic!

  2. My favorite is the Lake Titicaca Dress!

  3. I love the lighthouse dress!

  4. I love the 4.0 dress! Perfect for fall/winter:)

  5. Woohoo!Love a good giveaway


  6. What a fun giveaway :)
    The Dagny necklace is on my wishlist -- so pretty!

  7. Aw man just one item? I'm actually loving your bottom 3 pick for shoes and since i need/want work skirts...i think the crosswalk skirt is on my list :)

  8. I really like the Lighthouse dress :)

  9. I LOVE this dress:

  10. My fave is the Beachcomber dress! I really love the whole lighthouse collection!

  11. I didn't know Shabby Apple had shoes! Gotta check them out. Thanks for the giveaway =)

  12. I love the Aristocrat Dress

  13. Love everything in the Lighthouse collection!

  14. I love all their swim suits. I can't pick just one!

  15. I really like the dress One for My Baby!

  16. I would love the Andes skirt and so much more!!! Too much cute stuff to decide! Pick me! Pick me! ;)

  17. Love Shabby Apple! New follower saying Hi. :)

  18. Love the Nothing Like a Dame dress

  19. I love the mAlice dress!

    Pinterest name is

  20. Favorite item is the Bon Voyage dress
    mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

  21. My favorite Shabby Apple item is the Desert Modern Dress!

  22. I like the Overboard dress, but will wait to see the fall collection before I buy anything.

  23. I like the Overboard dress, but will wait to see the fall collection before I buy anything.

  24. I love the Blue Eyes dress! Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. I absolutely adore the gallery blouse the color is so pretty.

  26. Love the Alice dress! Thank you!

  27. I love the bistro blouse and the 4.0 dress

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