return the favor [twitter]

I'm excited to be co-hosting this link-up today! Last Wednesday was the first week of the Return The Favor hop, and it was a great success considering it was the first week! There were over 170 link-ups! Let's get even more people linking up this time with the Twitter hop. Be sure to send everyone you follow a tweet so they know to return the favor and follow you back!

If you would like to be a co-host in the future, please send Chelsea an email at and let her know what type of hop {Twitter, Facebook, Hellocotton, etc} you'd most like to co-host!

Follow your host & co-hosts
Share the hop with others, whether it be via Twitter, Facebook, your blog, etc!

Take a couple of minutes to visit some other people who have linked up and let them know you stopped by from the Return The Favor hop - and hopefully they will return the favor!

Chelsea from Yours Truly
Jessica from Jessica Who?
Torie from Lattes and Love
Bonnie from Mrs Bonn Bonn
Anna from Beauty In The Chaos



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