did I mention that he's a cowboys fan?

I often talk about how wonderful my husband is.. and don't get me wrong, he IS wonderful.. but he sure isn't perfect. One of his flaws that I have to deal with on a daily basis is that....

He's a Dallas Cowboy's fan.
Yea. I know.

The thing is, I can't really hold it against him. We were both born and raised in Houston, Texas. We love the Houston Texans but neither one of us consider them our primary NFL team. It's a long story and I won't go into details, but Jared loves the Cowboys and I love the Steelers. With a family full of Houstonians, you can imagine the problems that this causes.

If you know anything about Texas, you know that football is a way of life. Football can make or break a friendship. It can tear apart a family. It can cause blood, sweat, and tears. Even if you're not on the field.

Although we cheer for different teams, and sometimes against each other's team, we both respect each other's love for the game. I've never really had any girlfriends who loved football as much as I do, so I enjoy having someone to watch the games with.

We both joined a fantasy football league for the first time this year. I have a feeling that things will get interesting.

Speaking of fantasy football- I really need a name. A good one. I'd like to consider myself pretty clever but for the life of me, I can't seem to think of a good name. Any ideas?

Are you a football fan? Who is your team?

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I usually win. ;)



  1. I cannot believe it - my fiancé is a cowboys fan and I'm a steelers fan too - NO LIE. It's his biggest flaw in my book too! Here we go steelers, here we go :)

  2. Well I'm a Giants fan and my husband didn't really care about FB but he told me that he will be cheering for the Giants because of Fantasy Football, he picked Victor Cruz. Lol

  3. Cute pics! And your right, football can make or break a relationship! I am a Sooner fan, which translates to you don't like me...... Texas and Oklahoma are rivals! But in the NFL, well I pretty much don't have a favorite! Luck for me huh?? Have a great weekend!


  4. This is so funny! My husband and I both love the Cowboys...but college football is a different story! I'm a Sooner fan...he's a Longhorn fan! It gets real tense around our house during football season! Haha!

  5. Ah I know that feeling. My husband is a Cowboys fan, while I'm a Bears fan. I can't wait until they play!

  6. i'm not really a football fan, but i do enjoy football season because my brother-in-law always cooks when his favorite team is playing, haha! ;)

    <3, Mimi
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  7. super cute pics! good ol football season - my hubs is a cowboys fan...me, well I followed Tim Tebow to the JETS. ha.

  8. i know how sports can bring tears, blood and sweat outside the field. only in my case, football means soccer. we're kind of a hardcore for soccer around here

  9. My husband is a HUGE Cowboy's fan too, it's kind of ridiculous.
    My friend's last name is Wejman (pronouned way-man) so his Fantasy team is "Going All the Wejman".

  10. Luckily my husband and I root for the same team...TEXANS baby!! :) Love the pics! Too cute! :)

  11. Hahah Chicago bears fans here..but my husband is also a cowboys fan (yuck). I love football season and dislike it too...because there are Sundays when I want to do something outdoors...and well football takes over which ruins Sunday plans!

  12. Yay a Steelers fan - and from Texas that takes guts girl. I thought I was gutsy being from Maryland and liking the Steelers (I currently live in Alabama so thankfully I don't catch grief for my NFL choices :)

  13. hahahaha!!! love this post! Girl, you know who we cheer for in our house!!! GOOOOOOO TEXANS!!! No fighting about that! You two are precious! Good luck with Fantasy Football!!

  14. I am way into football! This will be my 4 season doing fantasy football. I am in 3 different leagues this year. Yeah like I said...obsessed. Glad to see you aren't wearing a Steelers jersey! All of my family is from Ohio so I cheer (sadly most of the time) for Cleveland. My primary team however is Denver Broncos!! I plan to do a post later this week about football. It has info about fun fantasy football names if you check it out!

  15. COWBOYS COWBOYS!! My hubs loves the dolphins...I like a particular dolphin (mr reggie bush) LOL

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