The Unwritten Rules of Blogging

I am so very excited to introduce you guys to one of my favorite bloggers

Meet Nadine. She runs a little blog called Back East Blonde. I found her a few months ago and instantly fell in love. Everything she writes is something that I have thought or wish I had the guts to say. If you enjoy my sense of humor, you will LOVE her! She's hilarious. She's honest. And not that this matters, but isn't she gorgeous?!

One of the first posts that I read of hers was "You're Only Cool in the Blog World". I died laughing because it was so true! And she recently wrote this post about mediocrity that was basically taken directly out of my head. Check her out and if you don't know where to start, you can see her popular posts here.

I could go on and on about how much I love her but I'll let you decide if you love her too. Nadine is guest posting today about The Unwritten Rules of Blogging in her usual hilarious fashion. Enjoy!

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The Unwritten Rules of Blogging

I wish someone had told me when I started blogging:
Here are the biggest no-no's. 
Don't do them.

Wouldn't that be great? 

I also wish someone handed me a vocabulary index because we've sure invented our own lingo, haven't we?
The Unwritten Rules of Blogging
And the award for most awkward blog term goes to: Sponsor
Having a blog sponsor = Yay! Fun! Money!   
Having a real life sponsor = The fun got out of hand.

But no one handed us a manual. We learned from either making these mistakes ourselves or watching from a distance as someone else made them. Or from someone doing this to us and it ticking us off.

So here are some unwritten rules of blogging: 

1. Be conscious of who you ask to swap. Are your blogs similar in size with similar content? Then go ahead and request a swap. Become friends. Tweet at each other. Build each other up. But don't get too bold with those requests. In most cases, it's nice if swapping is mutually beneficial. If it's really only beneficial for you, consider buying a sponsorship.

2. On that note, choose who you sponsor wisely. What are they offering with a sponsorship? Guest posts and sponsor spotlights will do more for you than just leaving an ad to chill in their sidebar. But you probably could have guessed that.

The no-no portion of this is: who you sponsor, you will be assosiciated with. Don't sponsor someone you wouldn't want to be associated with, just for the traffic. It's not worth it. If you don't genuinuely like their blog, what makes you think their followers will like you?

3. Don't leave stupid comments. This includes "new follower, I'd love a follow back," or "check out my giveaway," or anything not related to the content of the post you are commenting on. Just don't. It's rude and I promise, bad manners will not get you further. I've never even so much as left my blog link at the end of a comment. 

4. Don't steal ideas. Want to rework an idea that another blogger did? Fine. Consider getting their permission first. But don't steal because someone will call you out on it and you will be embarrassed. 

5. Drama going on? Stay out of it. You can bet I've never given a single opinion about any drama in blog world. I could call it all childish or pathetic but the thing is, I'm a silent observer. It's great fun to watch the train wreck. So do yourself a favor and don't tweet about it, don't write a rebuttle post, don't mention it one time anywhere. Stay out of it. But if you have the time and energy, go right ahead and enjoy from a distance. It's like reality tv but with people you [sort of] know.

The blog world is a funny thing. It's constantly evolving and we're adapting. Every day there are newbies and every day, someone breaks those unwritten rules. 

So what other rules do you wish someone had shared with you? 

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Isn't she great?!

As if you didn't already have enough reasons to check out Nadine's blog, she is giving you the chance to win a $25 Target gift card! Enter to win by using the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

Back East Blonde Giveaway

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  1. Totally agree and I love Nadine! My personal favorite is don't steal ideas. I feel like people really need to grasp this concept!

  2. Agree with all of these!! I never realized how much drama goes on with blogs until I started my own- it's insane!!

  3. hahaha!! This is awesome! I totally agree with what Nadine has to say. I wish there was a manual but we just gotta learn as we go! Happy Monday love!


  4. Love this post...could not agree more!

  5. love nadine's blog and these are all some fabulous bloggy tips!
    -- artwork giveaway

  6. Nadine is one of my favorite bloggers! These are all things I wish I had known when I started blogging, that I had to learn by experience. Every new blogger needs to see this!

  7. I too wish blogging came with a manual. Live and learn, I suppose. But Nadine is right on with all of these! :)

  8. I totally agree with the drama. I've never involved, but I somehow know when the drama happens (well duh because it is blasted on twitter lol). Even when people are vague, I still know. Yet I definitively don't make my opinion known or get in the middle.. I'll watch it unfold on it's own, and leave it to other people to give opinions. I don't really watch reality tv, but the drama is sad but entertaining lol

  9. I totally agree about stupid comments!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. Well said...I can still remember the first negative comment I received on an outfit post. It was something ridiculous...

  11. Totally agree!! Great post!

  12. Ah I so made a mistake about sponsorships but so glad I read these no-no's. Now, I can fix it.... hopefully. Thanks!

  13. I agree with most of it unless you are participating in blog hops. They ask you to leave a comment with the fact that you're a new follower with a link snd how you found their site. So there's a time and place.

  14. Great post!
    Thank you for giveaway

  15. They ask you to leave a comment with the fact that you're a new follower with a link snd how you found their site

  16. Pero tengo pendiente ir a la tienda a veros!Pero oye participo que sí me toca seguro que saco tiempo!

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