dear hawaii

dear hawaii

Dear Hawaii,

August marked our 2 year anniversary. I can't believe we've been together for that long. So much has happened since we met. I've grown. You've changed me. You've watched me become a wife and a mama. You've seen my career change. You've been a part of some of the happiest times of my life.

I know it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows and I'm sorry for that. It took me about a year to finally come to terms with our relationship. I was bitter. I was homesick. You were different and I didn't want different. I spent most days being angry at you for taking me away from my first love, Texas. My friends and family thought I was crazy. How could I not absolutely love living in paradise? Wasn't I laying out at the beach, frozen drink in hand (with a little umbrella), loving life? 

quotes about Hawaii

What I didn't realize then was that I can have a relationship with you without diminishing my natural-born allegiance to Texas. I can love both of you. No, you don't have Tex-Mex or a pro-football team. You use silly slang and I can't pronounce some of your words (although I'm getting better at that). Your timezone makes me feel like I live galaxies away from most people. You have only two types of weather: sunshine and rain. You don't have Whataburger, Blue Bell Ice Cream, Del-Dixi pickles, or decent tailgates. Most of these things seemed unforgivable. But I finally realized that you have other things- like daily booze cruises, manapuas, the best mai tai's, sunsets with colors I had never seen before, underwater adventures that I couldn't dream of, oh yea and your beaches are pretty nice too.

I guess I was so caught up in being mad at you, that I forgot to look around and see your beauty.

As I learn more and more about you each day, you amaze me more and more too. There are parts of you that literally take my breath away. Now, the thought of leaving you makes my heart ache.

I know that a big part of my newly-found feelings have to do with Jared having a relationship with you too. Everything is more enjoyable with him, which means I get to enjoy you that much more.

home is wherever you are
My sweet husband drew this for me!
Thank you for the memories, Hawaii. Thank you for letting me bitch about our differences and for embracing me anyway. Thank you for letting my little family and I call you home.



  1. Thank you so much for writing this! I so felt some of things when I visited in 2010 (since leaving in 1980). It's a love/hate relationship with the state. And, even though they don't have some of the things the mainland has, they still have Farrell's and their ice cream is pretty darn good. ;)

  2. Awe, this is sweet. When I first moved out there I swear I bugged the heck out of my hubby with pronunciations. The "Like-Like" highway and "poke" for starters. Truly a life memorable experience.

    Brittney @ The Sweet Life

  3. This was so beautifully written. I watched The Descendants while I was there in Hawaii and that piece of the script absolutely made my heart hurt. Life is life no matter where you live. Glad you're learning to love and embrace your surroundings.

    PS: I'm sure Texas misses you too :)

  4. Awww that's such a sweet drawing your husband did for you!!! I love it. So sweet and simple yet so thoughtful.

  5. That was nice...loved the drawing...very touching :)

  6. Oh my!!! Your story made me cry because I'm getting ready to leave Texas. Of course I'm not moving to Hawaii, although it is a beautiful place with so much do some of them I've never dreamed of doing. Thank you for your writing...

  7. Best Friday's Letters EVER! So touching!

  8. I may regret saying this one day, but I think I could easily trade Tex-Mex for some Moco-Loco and Dole Whip, easy! So jealous of your Hawaiian Adventures!

  9. Oh how I Hawaii. She is my blood.
    But oh whataburger! And blue bell ice cream!!! My co-workers family is the blue bell family ;-) all work functions we get TONS of ice cream!!!
    Texas holds a very special place in my heart now and will forever. So funny that we are opposite like that LOL

  10. I have to admit that I've had the exact same philosophy about Hawaii just like it says in that Descendants poster. I mean, it's HAWAII! ;D

    Thanks for sharing this letter!

  11. I've loved living in Hawaii from the moment I stepped off the plane but even loving it and never wanting to leave it can be hard to be so isolated sometimes. While I'm excited about our new adventure part of me is dreading leaving.

  12. Exactly! I lived in Hawaii for 3 years and the entire time there, I was torn between loving everything new about it, and hating everything new about leaving home. We just moved back to the mainland in March, and though I was ready to leave, I miss it so much more than I ever thought I would.

  13. I loved reading this. As a Californian living in Texas I could related (sort of in reverse). I may have to steal this idea and write a letter to Texas on my blog.


  14. Hi! I JUST found your blog and am slowly beginning to navigate it! What island are you on? I'm on the Big Island, Hilo side!!!!! Super stoked to find a fellow Hawaiian blogger! YAY!

    :) Nicole

    NeNe Monster

  15. I love finding other Hawaii bloggers!! I totally love this post! I'm on Oahu :)

  16. Hi,Jessica!
    I found your blog from Passionfruit.
    I have moved to Bali from Japan since 2005 and have had a lot of things as well as you have in Hawaii!

    I especially agreed that the part everybody thinks I am having a vacation through whole year! But actually I work a lot!

    Anyway! I am interested in the Ad or being review of my clothes as I am a fashion designer!!

    A happy new year!
    Lots of loves. maai


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