Duke [My Baby]

It's about time that I introduce my little baby to this blog.. I never really liked dogs (ok I actually hated all pets) until recently. I used to make fun of people who treated their pets as if they were their children.. now I'm totally one of those people. I'm completely obsessed with him. Almost to a fault. But I don't care.. look at him! It's really hard not to fall completely in love with his precious wrinkly face and floppy ears, added to the fact that he has the softest fur ever (no really, it's so soft) and is a big cuddle bug. If you've ever watched Ice Loves Coco, my relationship with Duke is much like Coco's relationship with Spartacus Of course I'm biased, but he's the most adorable dog I've ever seen.

Sooooo... here's my baby boy, Duke Jameson Taylor:

I mean really?

I'm in love with this. So precious!

GRUMPY face that is identical to his dad's. (his human dad, Jared) also, notice his BLACK & YELLOW (steelers) toy :)

Duke's 1st beach day!

1st beach day 

told you...obsessed.

This is the first picture that we have of him..it was taken after we picked him up from his previous home to take him home to ours!

My sweet family.

Born on December 7, 2010, Duke is about 15 months old. He's a puggle (3/4 beagle, 1/4 pug) who loves to sleep, cuddle, eat bacon, and chew on socks. He melts my heart! We adopted him at 6 months and I soooo encourage others to do the same. There are too many precious babies out there that need homes!

Have a great weekend!


P.S. Search #duketaylor on Instagram for more photos :)



  1. What a sweetie!!! Love that he has a full name. =)

  2. Okay....now I'm in love with Puggles! I may have to come by your house and snatch him. It's amazing how puppy faces can have so much personality. Duke Jameson Taylor .... you are the cat's pajamas....oops....you are the puppy's pajamas. Thank you so much for sharing your sweet face with us.

  3. Stopping by from puppy photo party link up!! He is so freaking cute!


  4. He is definitely a cutie! Stopping by from the Puppy Photo Link Up as well as Texas Bloggers.


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