Jessica Who?

I love the name Jessica. What I don't love is that I share it with a good chunk of the United States. Or world.

Let's add my middle name into the mix. Marie. Really?

To make matters worse, 3 of my closest friends have the most unique names ever. Stella Tatiana, Suzanne Gatlin, Charlotte Diane.. Diane isn't too unique but how many people can say they know a Charlotte??

I think most Jessica's will tell you that they've spent a lot of their lives answering the question: "Jessica who?" or "Which Jessica is this?" Of course these are via text or internet. Luckily, I've never met a Jessica who looks and sounds like me too. And then there's the "What's your last name? I need to put it in my phone because I have 3 other Jessica's in here." I'm grateful for this one because I'd rather be Jessica T than "Jessica- bar" or "Jessica- Hawaii" or the dreaded "Jessica- DO NOT ANSWER" (I've used this one). I spent most of my childhood being grateful for my last name, Romero. At least that was a little different. Most people don't have more than one Romero in their contact list.

Then, in 2010, I married a man with the last name Taylor. TAYLOR! Dumb move, right? And to top it off, his sister's name is Jessica. No, I'm not joking. I can't even use the nickname "JT" because 1) Justin Timberlake owns that and 2) My husband's name (and his 3 siblings) also starts with a J.

So, here I am. Jessica. Marie. Taylor. Google me. Dare you to find me by only using my name.

I'm grateful though. I guess I'd rather be the 9848765th Jessica than something like Olga. (Sorry to all of the Olga's out there.)

I just wanted you all to know that my journey to "find myself" (or whatever you call this stage of a 20's something girl) is not just an emotional one. It's a real life attempt at making myself stand out from the rest. And not just the rest of the people in the world, but the rest of the Jessica Marie Taylors.


  1. This is too funny!! Sorry about the name baby girl...

  2. some people get really interesting nicknames, I suppose that could always happen =)

    but I think you're smart to embrace it!

  3. Heyy my middle name is Olga!! Ok, just kidding :P I'm so glad it's not lol my sisters name is Jessica haha and she feels the same way! Anyways, I'm a new follower and I'd love for you to check out my blog sometime :):)

  4. I'm a Jennifer Ann. I know the pain.

  5. You make some very good points here. And I like that you thought about it to the point of JT - and then still had to turn back. (and you're right, Justin Timberlake sort of owns that)

    I'm Chrystina. But I'm Chrystina with a y. Which means that's it's memorable, gets misspelled a lot, and I always have to jump in and correct people. But I do like the uniqueness about it.

  6. As a fellow Jessica, I totally agree with this post. In one class I had five Jessicas, including myself. My last name isn't very common, but my boyfriend's is wayy less common, so I am excited if we ever get married :) I'm glad someone put how we feel into words!

  7. This is too funny, and too true! I'm legally a Jessica, too... but I've always gone by "Jessi", and my best friend in 7th grade came up with the spelling "Gesci", which stuck. I've gotten "Jessica Which" so many times that's it's honestly easier to just spell and respell "Gesci to someone!

  8. LOL this was too funny! My name is Jessica Taylor too. I usually go by Jessi cause of the "Which Jessica?" questions haha glad I stumbled upon your blog.

  9. Hah! So sorry. At least you have your fun personality to make you stand out! My name is Ali...just Ali (not Allison, Alyssa, etc.). A ton of people share my name too, but thankfully (I guess?) most of them pronounce it AH-lee and are men in India. So...that's kind of good, right? Or is that worse....


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