Galentine's Day

Today has been dubbed Galentine's Day. So, rightfully, this post is about my gals.

For those of you who don't know what Galentine's Day is, it's a day that you celebrate your "gals". It was originally created by Amy Poheller's character, Leslie Knope, in an episode of Parks and Recreation.

Of course, this makes me miss my girlfriends more than I already do. Don't get me wrong, I love the friends that I've made here (making friends here is incredibly difficult btw) but nothing can replace my girls from back home.

I love how I have such a diverse group of friends. Want someone to talk some sense into me? Call Suzanna. Want someone to listen to me cry and support me even if I'm being dumb? Call Stell. Want anything relating to style or my career? Call Em. Wanna talk about married life or puppy problems? Call Char. And who do I call if I get (or want to) into trouble? Well, Steph, of course. Have an embarrassing story to tell? Call all of the above.

Although each of my gals "specialize" in different areas of friendship, I know that I can count on all of them to be there in any category of my life. I've also been blessed with a few people who I haven't spent much time with but am lucky enough to call my friends. Some people think that's weird, but I think it's amazing. I've connected with several people via social media outlets because we have mutual friends. We talk online and through text and realize we have so much in common....and then before you know it, I realize that I actually talk to this person more than I do to some of my very close friends. So doesn't that make them a friend too?
Before you go knocking it, let's note that this is basically how I met my husband. We knew each other for 4 years before we actually ever met in person... and the rest is history.

Anyway, I've been told that I have an "odd" group of friends. I'm guessing it's because we all look and seem so different. This is probably true for the most part but I think that's what makes us work. We balance each other out like a good relationship should. I'm not sure what categories of friendship I specialize in but I'd like to think that I'm giving just as much as I'm receiving. A good friendship takes work from both people. I mean it really is like a relationship right? I've had my share of girlfriend "break-ups" and fights, but, just like a relationship, true friendship conquers all.

So if we can celebrate Valentine's Day with the man that we love, shouldn't we celebrate it with the girls that we love too? I think so. Happy Galentine's Day y'all! Tell your girlfriends that you love them.


  1. What a cute idea! It seems that friendships take a dip once people get married and start a family, and it is a great reminder not to forget some of the most important people in our lives =)


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