Howdy + Aloha

Hello. My name is Jessica Marie Taylor (= JMT = jay + emm + tee = jayemmtee.... get it?). I'm a Texas girl living on a crazy little island called Oahu. I live with my incredibly sexy husband, Jared, and our adorable (seriously, he's freaking cute but I guess I'm biased...) pup, Duke.We've lived here for roughly 2 years now and are learning to call it home.

My Twitter profile says "PR & Marketing. Foodie. Traveler. Networkoholic. Media Junkie. Photo Addict. Football Fanatic. Lover of all things Texas." ... which I think describes me pretty well.

I make my living doing PR & Marketing. I've found that a lot of people don't really know what that means. Now that I think about it, I don't think the majority of my friends and family even know what I do. Simply put, I manage the flow of information between a business and the public.

I'm a STICKLER when it comes to grammar and spelling. PLEASE tell me if you EVER see something that needs to be corrected on ANYTHING that I write. Because it absolutely irks me.

One more thing: It's true what they say, you can take a girl out of Texas but you can't take Texas out of the girl.


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