pow wow hawaii

Last week, Jared and I had the opportunity to attend a fundraising gala for Pow Wow Hawaii. We went in knowing nothing about the organization but left feeling so inspired.

Pow Wow Hawaii is "a gathering of contemporary artists that engages with the broader community in the process and creation of art". The group has recently started collaborating with 808 Urban to host workshops for Hawaii's youth.

The event was perfection. It was held in a warehouse and had a real urban feel. Guests were asked to wear white as the theme was "Blank Canvas". The food, although random, was unique and delicious. The event was complete with live music performances, a rockin' DJ, hip hop performances, silent auctions, raffles, video presentations, T-shirt painting, and my favorite-- a live art show. I was in awe! It was so amazing seeing art come together right before our eyes.. and even more amazing that it was completed by a group effort.

the finished piece of art- Marilyn!

I'm so grateful that we were able to be a part of this and I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about Pow Wow Hawaii!

P.S. Check out my girl Tarole's new blog!



  1. wow that is amazing!great post.loved the pics.

  2. Wow! That's awesome! Such a cool event!

  3. I love their invitation and the artwork they used!!! I bet you had a blast!

    Thank you for subscribing to our blog, and for your kind comment about us over at our Dearest Lou interview :)

  4. Wow. This looks so fun and inspiring! I haven't been to an event like that in awhile...I need to remedy that.

  5. This is so neat. It looks like such fun.

    <3 Melissa


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