
A few weeks ago I had a string of bad days. I was sick. I was emotional. I was alone. It was the first time that I realized how alone I really am.
And I'm not trying to get all depressing on you. I know that I have great friends and family (and readers!) who care. I know that I'm not alone in that sense. I mean physically. Literally.
There were things that I had to do that week that seem so minuscule now but were huge daunting tasks to conquer then.
But I did it. I survived. And I survived on my own!
I'm learning (or trying) to appreciate and grow in these times of solitude.
In previous moves, I spent so much energy resenting the fact that I had left my family and friends, my place of comfort.
I don't want to waste another second doing that.
And as I sit here, alone, writing at the beach, listening to the waves crash, I remember that this place, this crazy island that I live on, is truly magical.
Yes, I would prefer to share my moments here with an awesome person or amazing people. But until then, I can't let this magic pass me by.


  1. I have the best idea ever...I will come out there and come stay with you forever. Amir can come visit when he really feels the need to :)

    You're such a beautiful soul. You've got this. Day by day! You know we are all praying for you & rooting for you, sweets.

  2. Your reader (us!) do care. It's good that in between the mess, and pain you can still look at the beautiful things around you.

  3. This post truly resonated with me, as I have been feeling the same way lately! I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog today! You are a beautiful writer and I am a new follower for sure :)

  4. Hi Jessica. Can you please check your email because I sent some emails regarding the collaboration we talked a while back, for the product you got from us, and I still don’t have any answer from you, so I don’t know if you got them or not.

    Madison from Irresistible Me


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