Purina One 28 Day Challenge

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Purina One 28 Day Challenge

Purina One 28 Day Challenge

Purina One 28 Day Challenge

My son, Duke Taylor, was invited to participate in Purina One's 28 Day Challenge. I was hesitant to agree to this because switching his food up always makes me a little worried. Unlike most dogs, Duke is a pretty picky eater. That and he is spoiled rotten which may or may not have something to do with it ;) But since we were switching from another type of Purina dog food, I thought it was worth a shot.

The 28 Day Challenge states that you should see changes in some or all of the following after switching to Purina One:

+ bright eyes
+ dental health
+ energy
+ digestibility 
+ taste 
+ skin and coat

Going into this, the only result I was really focusing on for Duke was weight control. He's a little on the chubby side (in the cutest way possible!) and the vet has told us that he can stand to lose a few pounds (can't we all?!). So, when shopping for Purina One, I chose the "Healthy Weight Formula" instead of "Chicken and Rice" which is usually his favorite. The Healthy Weight Formula's main ingredient is turkey.

I will be honest and say that Duke isn't a huge fan. He seems to eat it only when he realizes it's his only option. The good news is that he's lost 2-3 pounds during this challenge and seems to be more energetic! I also noticed a difference in his stools - they're smaller and firmer, TMI, I know - which is something that Purina One says might happen.

We're going on our second month with Purina One dog food and we just switched to the Chicken and Rice Formula instead of the Healthy Weight Formula. Wish us luck!

Duke Taylor
Duke Taylor: Week 1 of the Purina One 28 Day Challenge 
Duke Taylor
Duke Taylor: Week 4 of the Purina One 28 Day Challenge
Find out more about Purina One's 28 Day Challenge and get a $3 off coupon to start at purinaone.com/dogs/28-day-challenge

Let us  know how it works for you!


  1. He is adorable! I'm always worried when my husband grabs a different flavor or brand of dog food how my dog will respond, thankfully he's pretty easy going! Good luck this month! Happy Monday!

  2. Precious Angel! Especially in those Bandanas!

  3. so sweet:)!
    please visit me in free time:)

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