

Let's start off by saying that I can't say "Surfdome" without my Beyonce "surfboard" voice. Anyone else love the song Drunk In Love?

Anyway -- I'm over the moon in love with this playsuit by RVCA. I picked it out from Surfdome after trailing the site for hours. It was almost impossible to choose something. But the playsuit immediately caught my eye. I admit that I was a bit hesitant to order it. Playsuits can be difficult to size when you're ordering online. Plus, I'm usually not comfortable in something so short, but the loose fit of this is totally within my usual casual + boho style. I couldn't decide between belted or not belted.. which do you prefer? How perfect is it for spring and summer? And can you imagine it in Hawaii? I'm in love!

You can find more from RVCA and Surfdome here.


What I'm Wearing ---
Playsuit: RVCASurfdome
Belt: Eden in Love
Shoes: Aldo
Necklace: ℅ K.O. Jewelry
Bracelets: BCBG, 31Bits
Knuckle Rings: ℅ StyleLately


  1. Love this! And so fun that you call it a playsuit!

  2. your hair looks amazing in these photos!

    xx, Jen

  3. Love your outfit!! It looks like it would be super comfy even in high heat!

  4. Love the outfit! And you look GORGEOUS as ever!


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