the day I became part of the cool club

The cool club (also known as the bloggers' club) is something that most of us strive to be a part of.
Apparently one of the requirements is having a bubble necklace. These necklaces have become so popular among bloggers that they are also referred to as the "blogger necklace".
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I finally got my hands on one of these babies, well two of them actually. I have this one and this one. I am not sure that this grants me access to the club but don't burst my bubble and let's just pretend that it does.

casual outing with my new baubles
Necklace: Gentry | Bracelets: LinzGutz and vintage | Watch: Michael Kors | Shoes: Urban Outfitters (currently on sale!)
What about you? Are you a part of the cool club? Is there another club that I should think about joining?

PSSSS Use the promo code GEN30 to get 30% off of your bubble necklace at AND enter this giveaway for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Gentry!



  1. What cute baubles!! I need a blogger necklace too! Have a great day! Stacie xo

  2. I love the whole outfit especially the shoes!... I would buy shoes like that but it's going to be getting cold soon so I won't have a chance to wear them until next spring. RoRos World

  3. I love that necklace! And your shoes and your watch too! -Jessica L


  4. I want one so bad... but shipping to Canada is $16!! :(

  5. I have noticed that these necklaces show up in my feed A LOT. But I didn't know they possess the key to the in crowd. ;) They are super cute!

  6. I did cave and buy a bubble necklace. I wear it all the time!

    Penniless Socialite

  7. The pink is really pretty! Love that arm party too (including the gorg LOVE bracelet!!!) :)

  8. you def know how to dress! :) love the accessories

  9. I love it!!! I've refrained from buying one because I just don't know how to pull it off!

  10. Love look amazing! Love the necklace, bracelet, and shoes! xoxo

  11. Love this look! Your gorg! Follow each other?


  12. I've entered a couple giveaways to win one of these. maybe if I do, I'll be into the cool bloggers club! hahaha

  13. I am not a member of the cool club. I don't have a single bubble necklace. Yours is super cute.

  14. haha so true! i still haven't gotten one yet...
    such a bad blogger!

    xo the egg out west.

  15. wow, im not even close to being cool. i didnt know this was a "thing." Much less owning one.. haha you look great in it though.

  16. Found your blog and love it! The bubble necklace is so cute but since I haven't gotten one yet...I'm afraid it will be out of style by the time I secure mine. LOL.

    New follower!Love your blog design...mine is under the knife at the moment and will be up this week. Can't wait. Hope you stop by and say hello.

  17. you are ALWAYS in the cool club! love ya!

  18. Haha I'm not part of the cool club, but you rock it well!


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