
Maka what? Yea, I know. I thought that too. The lingo here takes some getting used to but it's pretty easy to catch on to after a while. Anyway, there's an area beside the Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail (I'm not sure what it it's called... and I probably should have researched that before writing this!) that we visit often. It's one of our favorite spots on the island. 
To get there, you have to walk about a mile through a field with views of mountains to your left and right and the ocean ahead of you. Once you reach the water you can head to the left where there's a little cove with sand that's perfect for laying out and swimming. There's rarely anyone there which makes it a perfect place to take Duke. He loves it there. He's a beach lover and this one is definitely his favorite. It's like having a private beach all to ourselves. 
If you head to the right, there's a rocky area that's so beautiful. It's really a surreal place to be. 
Here are some pictures from our most recent visit!

Necklace + Bracelet from Ginger13

When I start feeling homesick (that will happen a lot more during the holidays) will you remind me of how lucky I am to live here? What are some of your favorite places in the world?



  1. I was born in Hawaii, moved and then was lucky enough to spend my middle school years there. I miss it a lot.

  2. I love when you write posts about Hawaii. More than that, when I have been to the same places, and have had the same issues with pronouncing things! Lovely pictures!

  3. really great spot!

    its actually really imp to know of great spots which are close to where you live. I live on a little island myself - and its always great to go to amazing spots by the sea, which are really relaxing and make you forget the everyday stress!

  4. Just stumbled upon your blog and ironically, Im from Hawaii! Ill be moving to San Diego soon though.. so Ill really miss it =( The spot I think you were at is either 'Pele's Chair' or 'Allan Davis'. 'Pele's Chair' has a big log sticking out of the rocks that people jump off of into the ocean. Super fun! Only the locals know about it ;) If you like hiking, there are some great places I could recommend! Beautiful views! Hawaii will always be my favorite place =)

  5. OMG so gorgeous! You are very lucky, but yes I would get homesick too.

  6. Your photos are sooo gorgeous! Hawaii is definitely one of my favorite places on earth, although I've only been to Maui and Molokai. Someday I will see all of the islands!

  7. Love reading your blog Jessica, and it's so cute! I'm following you now and hope you can do the same!


  8. Followed you here from Story of My Life! Can I say that I love Hawaii. It's one of my favorite places in the world. I would move there tomorrow. Looking forward to your posts:))! P.S. I'm follower #1491 on GFC!

  9. That's gorgeous! Hawaii is definitely on my list. I live for sun and sand. Here in NYC we're looking at an impending tropical storm. Care to trade?

  10. Girl, you and I will have to help each other this holiday season :) and you definitely have to show me to this beach! Miss you, lets get drinks soon! Xoxo

  11. Gorgeous!! Looks so calming and relaxing!!

  12. Wow! Gorgeous blog you've got here! Thanks for stopping by mine & subscribing. :)

    My opinion on swearing is that when you're in front of kids, it's a no-no (though I do slip up occasionally haha), but sometimes there's no other way to describe a feeling or a situation, other than to say SHIT or Fuuuuuuuuuck,or even SHITFUUUUCK lol..

    I find people who are seriously uncomfortable with swearing strange. I mean, they're just words, right? And to me, they're really fantastic verbs/adjectives. :P

    But I wouldn't hold it against someone. To each their own. Respect me, and I'll respect you. :)

    - Sasha

  13. soooo beautiful! i want to come!

    are you OK after the tsunami? i saw it on twitter but haven't made it back on for an update!

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