Pitches Be Crazy

pitch perfect 2

Disclaimer: This post's title isn't exactly the most relevant but I wanted so badly to use it.

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So it's officially "fall" and in Hawaii that basically means it rains a little more than usual, it's windier, and MAYBE the temperature drops a degree or two. To battle the "I miss seasons" stage, I try to recreate fall moments. Cozy movie nights in with tasty treats and fall-scented candles is one of them.

When I heard that Pitch Perfect 2 was finally out on Blu-Ray, I ran to Walmart to snag a copy, duh. Then I got really excited when I saw the combo pack that includes the soundtrack!

And I don't know about you but I MUST have a snack while watching a movie. A local movie-snack favorite in Hawaii is hurricane popcorn. Hurricane popcorn is a mix of buttered popcorn, rice crackers (little crackers, kinda salty, and tastes like they're seasoned with soy sauce), and sprinkled with nori (seaweed, like the stuff you wrap around sushi).

To mainlanders - I know this doesn't sound too appetizing. It's an acquired taste for sure. I don't like the overwhelming taste of nori so I usually pop another bag or two of traditional buttered popcorn to mix in with the hurricane stuff.

Head to Walmart to grab the exclusive Pitch Perfect 2 Blu-Ray/Soundtrack combo pack. Soundtrack includes some of your favorite songs from Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2 (while supplies last). And if you're in Hawaii, grab a bag of hurricane popcorn while you're there too!

pitch perfect 2

hurricane popcorn

hurricane popcorn

movie night

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #ThePitchesatWMT http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV


  1. Um, I want to come over and watch movies and eat Hurricane Popcorn with YOU! Hope you're doing well, gorgeous girl! xo

  2. I love this! And I LOVE this post title!
    Morgan | theradwife.blogspot.com

  3. We finally watched it the other night - I love all of them. And that popcorn sounds delish!

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I noticed you still did not answered any of my many emails so please when you see this message check your mail and get back to me, I see you are posting regularly so maybe you did not get my email but please get back to me as soon as possible.
    Madison from Irresistible Me

  5. omg this looks like the makings for a perfect night!!!

    and btw, love the blog! it's perfect! if you get the chance to check out mine and let me know what you think, i'd appreciate it so much! i'm trying to make it as good as it can be! :)
    have a great week!
    love, rach.

  6. This blog is so nice to me. I will continue to come here again and again. Visit my link as well.
    Good luck


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