
texas home tshirt

home t

home t

home tshirt

Home. It's a funny word, right? A tiny word that has a whole lot of meaning. I've had several "homes" but one always remains, wherever I am. TEXAS, y'all.

I was trying to describe what it was like to be a Texan to a friend from Pennsylvania. He said he was more of a Texan than I was because he's from the "country" in PA. Ummmm no no no. This obviously enraged me (my fellow Texans know what kind of pride we have) but as I began to explain what the difference was, I kind of hesitated. I didn't even know where to begin. Because being Texan is a feeling. It's hard to describe. It's country music and dance halls. It's beer. Lots of beer. It's BBQ and sweet tea. It's breakfast tacos and Tex-Mex. It's Spanglish, y'all, and ain't. It's jeans and cowboy boots, big hair and belt buckles. It's southern rap (hello H-town chopped and screwed!) and southern swag. It's southern accents, southern gentlemen, and my favorite - southern hospitality. It's a feeling deep in my bones.

And let's face it, no one retires and moves up north, right? (that was just a little stab at my PA friend ;))

I thank my lucky stars that I'm a Texan.

home texas t

Get the look ---
T-shirt: c/o The Home T
Denim: Nine West (similar)
Boots: Cavenders (similar)
Necklace: Ginger13
Bracelets: 31Bits, c/o Ettika, BCBG
Dog: Barnaby is available for adoption through SAPA! email jessicataylor(at)about(dot)me


  1. Love it! I need that whole outfit :)

    You are so right. It's just something in your soul; and every time you try to describe it to someone, the words just fall short.

    Every now and then, when driving around the island, I'll jam to some UGK or chopped & screwed.

  2. great outfit!



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